1. Committed to Love us 1Cor13, Jn16:1-3
2. Committed to deliver me 2Cor1:10
3. Committed to give me grace Gal2:9
4. Committed to be faithful to me Phil1:6, 1Thess5:24
5. Committed to bring me to Heaven Jn14:1-3, Acts7:55-60
6. Committed to glorify me Gal1:24, Rom11:34-36
7. Committed to teach me Is30:18-21, Matt11:28-30
8. Committed to be merciful to me Ps136
9. Committed to bear fruit Jn15:1-14
(Personal – John15:1-7; Relationship Gal5:22,23; Souls John4:36)
10. Committed to protect me Ex13:21
11. Committed to to provide for me Gen22:17-18, Matt6:21-27
12. Committed to help me Heb4:16, Ps46
13. Committed to lead me Rom8:14, Is58:11
14. Committed to strengthen me 1Pet5:10
15.. Committed to test me 1Pet1:7, 2Cor4:15-18,
16. Committed to use me (in His plan) 2Tim2:18-22
17, Committed to care for me 1Pet5:7
18, Committed to give me peace Phil4;6
19. Committed to give me Body of Believers Acts11:19-26 , Eph1:23
20. Committed to give me light Eph1:18
21. Committed to train me Titus2:11,12
22. Committed to disciple me 2Tim2:1,2, Matt4:18-20
23. Committed to keep me Jn10:27
24. Committed to purify me 1Jn3:8
25. Committed to give me hope Rom5:1-5
26. Committed to encourage me 1Sam30:6
27. Committed to intervene in my life Acts16:1-10
28. Committed to remember me Heb6:10
29. Committed to victory Jn19:30, 1Jn5:4
30. Committed to answer prayers Jer33:3
31. Committed to call me 1Thes5:24
32. Committed to give me a purpose in life 2Tim1;9
33. Committed to give me gifts Eph4:1-7, Rom12:7-9, 1Cor12:8-10, 28-31
34. Committed to fill me Eph5:18
35. Committed to build me Eph2:22, 4:16, 4:29
36. Committed to convict me of sin Jn16:8
37. Committed to give me rewards 1Cor3:10-15
38. Committed to quicken me Eph2:1
39. Committed His presence to me Ps16:8,9; Ex33:1-18
40. Committed His faith to me Gal2:20
41. Committed to discipline me Heb12:5-10
42. Committed to change me into His image 2Cor3:17-18
43. Committed to reveal Himself to me Gal1:15,16
44. Committed be a personal witness of His life (gospel) Acts1:7, 8
45. Committed that I may know Him Phil3:10
46. Committed His word to me Rom10:17
47. Committed His friendship to me Jn15:15
48. Committed His physical body Jn3:16
49. Committed to inspire me 2Tim3:16
50. Committed to perfect me Col.2:10, 1Pet5:10
51. Committed to pastor me 1Pet5:1-4
52. Committed to never leave me Heb13:5,6
…and many many more
Pastor Daniel