
Dear friends,

I have placed THREE FOLDERS ONLINE (on GoogleDrive) with about 45GB of files:


FOLDER #2 (Correspondence courses)


These folders contain:

AUDIOS – about 50 different courses, each with 20-40 hours of Bible college teachings (2000 audios), two thousand church messages by Pastor Stevens plus our Zimbabwe church messages by Pastor Renaldo Brown (140 audios) recorded since 2014;
-for 10 thousand more church audios with different speakers go to

VIDEOS – 72 short videos with preaching, 3 to 5 minutes long and 3 to 7mb, smart phone quality and whatsapp friendly (shortcut to download HERE); longer or full versions of these videos can be found on youtube;
-more Bible college videos (about 1000 videos of 1h each) can be downloaded from:

PDF BOOKS – 475 pdf sermons (see titles list HERE and shortcut to download HERE), systematic theology books, daily devotionals, marriage books, different Christian books and other pdf resources (shortcut to download HERE and HERE); also text teachings that we send via whatsapp saved in pdf format, download HERE;

I am uploading regularly different resources to these folders. All for free for the advancing of the Kingdom of Jesus. Eph.3:17.