A. For the unsaved Rom10:1; 1Tim2:1to4
B. For governmental rulers Tim2:1,2
C. For the furtherance of the gospel 2Thes3:1; Col4:3; Eph6:19
D. For believers under Satanic attack – pray specifically, for friends by names and specific situations Eph6:18
E. For believers to speak the gospel boldly Eph6:19,20
F. For deliverance from opposition because of preaching the gospel 2Thes3:2
G. For the saints to stand boldly for Christ and His Word Heb13:18; 1Thes3:10
Eph6:18; 2Cor13:7; Rom15:30; pray for your church and other churches; for your pastor and other pastors in town.
H. For God to send out laborers; pray for Bible Colleges and different training programs Matt9:38
I. For the spiritual growth of Christians: friends, family members, disciples in whom you invest the Word of God.
Epaphras was a disciple of the Apostle Paul; in Col4:12 Paul says that Epaphras laboured fervently in prayer for the Colosse church; ”to labour fervently” in Greek is ”agonizomai”, from which we have the word ”agony”. He prayed fervently agonizing in prayer as he knew he was loved by God because of Christ’s death and ressurection, he knew his position and value in Christ so therefore he knew that God listens to his prayers; he loved the Colosse church and had a fervent desire for their spiritual growth and he knew that much spiritual warfare depended on his intercession for the Collosians. This resulted in fervent agonizing prayer.
*Prayer quotes:*
*Vander Griend:* If family worship is neglected, other attempts at prayer are like sprinkling the foliage of a plant while leaving the roots dry.
As we listen to others pray, we learn from them things that will strengthen our own prayer lives.
It is in private prayer that we most easily get in touch with our spiritual selves.
A vital prayer life in your church leadership is one of the most important indications of your congregation’s spiritual life.
The more we pray, the more our horizons expand and the more we come to expect from a super-natural, miracle-working God.
*Van Zeller Hubert:* A lot of the trouble about prayer would disappear if we only realized—really realized, and not just supposed that it were so—that we go to pray not because we love prayer, but because we love God.
*Vaughn Harold:* Churches are dying on their feet because they’re not living on their knees. Today we have the worst of sins in the best of churches.
*Vianney John:* The interior life is like a sea of love in which the soul is plunged and is drowned in love. Just as a mother holds her child’s face in her hands to cover it with kisses, so does God hold the devout man.
*Vincent de Paul:* We should spend as much time in thanking God for his benefits as we do in asking him for them.
*Wallace, John Aikman:* Prayer moves the hand that moves the world.
*Wagner, C. Peter:* We are now in the beginning stages of the greatest movement of prayer in living memory.
*Walker Alan:* Prayer is the most difficult and costly activity of the Christian.
*John Wesley:* God will do nothing but in answer to prayer.
Pray, just as you are led, without reasoning, in all simplicity. Be a little child, hanging on him that loves you.
*Unknown:* Prayer is not getting what I want from God—it is God’s ordaining means of giving to me what he wants AMEN