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–Are Jehovah Witnesses (JW) true Christians?
Answer: no.

–Will JW be with God forever?
Answer: No, they will go to hell, unless they turn to the true biblical Jesus.

Here is why they are not true Christians: JW’s do not believe that Jesus is God, but a created angel; also they don’t believe the Holy Spirit is God but the ”active force of God”. They also do not believe in salvation by grace through faith alone in Jesus.

Here are some wrong statements made by the organization JW and the biblical answers:

1. ”Only the Watch Tower Society can interpret the Bible, individuals can’t really understand it” – Watchtower, Oct.1,1997,p.587 – contradicted by Eph1:17-18

2. ”The New World Translation (JW Bible) is the best translation of the Bible” – it is in fact filled with errors and changes: for example Jn1:1 sates Jesus is ”a god” instead of ”God”

3.”God’s name is Jehovah” – the Bible says one of God’s names is YHVH (the most used, about 6000 times; other names: Adonai, El Shadai, El Elion and others); pronunciation “Jehovah” was instituted by Christian scholars in 12th century as nobody knew the pronunciation anymore for Jews were reading it ”ADONAI” (the Lord) being afraid to pronounce the name YHVH, which in fact means ”I am that I am” Gen3:14; Christians can call God “father” or “daddy” (abba): Rom8:15. My earthly father would be offended if I would call him by his first name, Artur, but JW’s must call God “JHWH” or ‘Jehovah’ if they want, because they are not born again Rom8:9, Jn1:12

4. ”Christ is God’s Son and is inferior to him” – Jesus is God who took on human form Jn1:1, 1Tim3:16; ask me to send you the detailed study ”Jesus is God”

5. ”Christ was first of God’s creation” – Christ is co-eternal with God and was never created Is9:6, Heb13:8

6. ”Christ died on a stake, not a cross” – Jesus died on a cross Jn20:25 , Mat27:37

7. ”Christ’s human life was paid as a ransom for obedient humans” – Christ’s sacrifice was the ransom for all sinners Matt.9:13, 1Tim1:15, 1Jn2:1

8. ”Christ was raised from the dead as a spirit person” – raised bodily Luke 24:39, Jn2:21, Jn20:27

9. ”Christs’ presence today is in spirit or symbolic, not effectual” – Christ lives in the believer Mat.18:20;28:20, Jn14:23, Col1:27, believer is in Christ Eph2:6

10. ”Kingdom under Christ will rule earth in righteousness and peace” – Christ will rule Millennial Kingdom on earth in righteousness and peace Rev.5:12, 20:6

11. ”Kingdom brings ideal living conditions to earth” – New heavens and earth will bring ideal conditions to God’s people Rev21:1-5 as in the millennial kingdom (1000 years) there will be sin and will end with some rebellion and war

12. ”Earth will never be destroyed or depopulated” – God creates new heavens and earth Matt24:31, 1Thes4:16-17, 2Pet3:10, Rev21:1

13. ”Wicked will be eternally destroyed or annihilated” – wicked will be eternally punished Dan12:1-2, Matt25:46, Mark3:29

14. ”The human souls ceases to exist at death” – spirit of Christian goes to heaven and of unbeliever to hell awaiting final judgment Luke16, Rev.6:9

15. ”Only a little flock of 144.000 will go to heaven and rule with Christ” – all people who confess Christ as Savior will be with Him Rom6:8, 2Tim2:11

16. ”Hope for all dead is resurrection as non-JW will be given a second chance” – resurrection is hope only for believers in Jesus and feared by non-believers Jn5:29, Acts 24:15 as there will be no second chance

17. ”Only the 144,000 are born again as spiritual sons of God” – all who confess Christ as Savior are born again Jn1:12, 3:3-7 , 1Jn3:1,2

18. ”Prayers must be directed only to Jehovah in the name or authority of Christ” – prayers may be directed to God the Father, to Jesus or to the Holy Spirit Matt6:9, Acts7:59, 2Cor12:8-10, Rom8:14

19. ”Satan is the invisible ruler of the world” – Satan rules only over those that allow him 2Cor4:4, Jn17:14-16

20. ”Taking blood into the body through mouth or veins violates God’s law” – Taking human blood into the body through mouth violates God’s law, about through veins the Bible says nothing about it

21. ”Bible’s laws on morals must be obeyed as part of obtaining salvation” – we have all disobeyed God’s laws Rom3:23, 1Jn1:10, salvation is only by grace Eph2:8-10

22. ”No clergy class and special titles, all JW members are ministers” – there are special ministers: pastors, elders, deacons 1Tim3:1, 1Pet5:1, Tit1:5

23. ”Baptism by complete immersion symbolizes dedication” – baptism is symbol of dying with Christ and raising with Christ 1Pet3:21, 1Cor12:13 JW baptism vows includes allegiance to their organization as the only “channel of communication of God with earth”, as the only mediator (thus contradicting 1 Tim2:5)

24. ”Christ is Michael the Archangel” – Christ is God Is7:14; Ps110:1; Jer23:5-6; Matt1:23; Jn1:1,20:28,5:18; 8:58;10:30; 14:9; Acts16:31-34; Rom9:5; 2Cor4:4; Phil2:5-8; Col1:15a; Heb3:4 understood in context; 2 Pet.1:1; 2:20, Jn1:1,18, 20:28, Acts20:28, Col2:9, Tit2:13, Heb1:8,13, 1Jn5:20

25. ”Christ is created” – Christ was never created Acts13:33

26. ”There are 2 classes on believers, ”John” class will inherit heaven” – all believers are equal in Christ in terms of inheriting heaven 1Cor12:13, Gal3:28, Jn17:23

27. ”In terms of salvation, the greatest name is ‘Jehovah’ ” – the greatest name is ‘Jesus Christ’ in terms of salvation Acts4:12, Phil.2:9, Eph1:20-22

28. ”Man does not have a spirit” – man has a spirit 1Thes5:23, Rev6:9, Luke16:19-31

29. ”We are to worship Jehovah only” – we worship Father, Son, Holy Spirit Heb1:6, Mat28:9, Jn20:28, Rev5:13;6:9

30. ”Jesus’ second coming occurred invisibly in 1914 and His kingdom was established in heaven” – Jesus will return physically to earth and all alive will see Him as His kingdom is established on earth Rev1:7

31. JW have made prophecies that the end of the world would happen in:

–1914 ”Zion’s Wt”, 1/15/1892,pg1355, reprint

–1918 ”The Time is at Hand”, 1908,pg101

–1925 ”Millions now Living Will Never Die” pg.89

–1920 “The finished mistery” 1917, pg542

–1940 ”Informant”, May 1940

–1975 ”Wt”, 5/1/1968, pg 273 also Aw, 1/22/1969, pg16 and Aw, 5/22/1969, pg15

32. They accused others of making false prophecies (but they made also such false prophecies):

A. ‘Light’ 1930, pg47, “They have been prophesying particularly since 1918, and everyone knows that their prophecies to date have not come to pass; and  that alone is strong evidence that they are false prophets”. Also see ‘WatchTower’, 10/15/1958, pg613

B. ‘Awake’, 10/8/1968, pg23…”those in times past who predicted an “end of the world”, even announcing a specific date…they were guilty of false prophesying”

C. ‘Paradise Restored’ 1972, pg353,354, ”False prophets will try to hide who they really are”

D. ‘Wt’, 6:15:1974, pg381 “Similarly the “false  prophet” is not a person, but is a system or an organization.  A “prophet” claims to have inspired information for the direction of others”

33. They say they are not false prophets, but they affirm about others that they are false prophets because of false prophecies: ‘Aw’, 3/22/1993, pg3,4,  ”They do not claim that their predictions are direct revelations  from Jehovah and that in this sense they are prophesying in Jehovah’s name.  ……when their words do not come true, they should not be viewed as false prophets…. ” 
When we point to JW’s that they made false prophecies their excuse is that they receive ‘gradual progressive light, small errors in the process of receiving truth’…

34. Jesus is not mediator: in ‘Worldwide Security’ 1986, p10 ‘The Desire for Peace and Security Worldwide’: “Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members”. This is contradicted by 1Tim2:5

35. The 144.000 in Rev7:4, yet a future event, are men, virgins, Jews; according to JW they are not Jews, some are women, some married and is a past and present event

36. Since Rutherford’s time, the Society has made it clear that angels transmit information to the remnant of Jehovah’s Witnesses, particularly starting under Rutherford:

“These angels first hear the instruction which the Lord issues to his remnant and then these invisible messengers pass such instruction on to the remnant. The facts show that the angels of the Lord with him as his temple have been thus rendering service unto the remnant since 1919” Vindication III,1932,pg250

Many false doctrines were received from angels by Rutherford, like about Christ’s presence in 1914

37. The JW’s deny the existence of hell: “. . . the Bible hell is mankind’s common grave…” (Let God Be True, pg92. Page ninety-eight of this book refers to the doctrine of Hell as a “God defaming doctrine.”)
“The doctrine of a burning hell where the wicked are tortured eternally after death cannot be true . . . .” (Let God Be True,pg99. The Bible teaches there is a hell: Luk16:23; Deu32:22; Mat5:22; 18:9; 25:41 Jas3:6

38. JW’s deny the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Instead they teach that Jesus’ body was dissolved into gases. Charles Taze Russell, founder of the organization taught, “The man Jesus is dead, forever dead” (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol5, 1899, p.454). Contradicted by: Luke24:39 — “Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” See also — Jn2:19-21; Jn20:26-28; 1Cor15:6,14

39. Jehovah’s Witnesses deny that salvation is God’s free gift. Instead they teach that salvation must be earned or merited. To obtain salvation and escape judgment, a person must join and do the works prescribed by the Jehovah’s Witness organization. However, the Bible clearly teaches that salvation cannot be earned or merited — it is God’s free gift: Eph2:8-9; Rom4:1-4; Gal2:16; Tit3:5

…see part 2


Oneness Pentecostals deny the Trinity (likewise Branhamites) and teach that Jesus Christ is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
They believe that ‘Father’ refers to God in family relationship to man; ‘Son’ refers to God incarnate; and ‘Holy Spirit’ refers to God in activity. For example, one man can have different significant relationships or functions – such as administrator, father, teacher, and counsellor – and yet be one person in every sense of the word.

–After Jesus was baptized, A VOICE came from heaven, saying: “This is my beloved Son” Matt3:17
Who spoke those words? That voice was the voice of the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ; for that voice called Jesus ‘My beloved Son”
Branhamites believe that God came upon the man Jesus at baptism and left him while on the cross when Jesus cried, ”My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?” Mat.27:46. In fact the Father turned his back to Jesus on the cross because Jesus as a human was bearing our sins. As for Jesus calling the Father, ”My God”, He does it again in Rev3:5,12,21
— “… behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him” Matt3:16
The Scripture teaches that it was God the Father who anointed His Son with the Holy Spirit: “…therefore, God, Your God has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions” (Ps.45:7). How many Gods exist then? God the Son was anointed by God the Father. However, they are not two Gods but 2 persons, one God, because Jesus said: “I and My Father are one” Jn10:30 Therefore, Jesus was not the Father but one with the Father.
— “This is MY BELOVED SON, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” Matt17:5
Surely it was not Jesus but God His Father who spoke. This is confirmed by Peter in 2Pet.1:17-18.
— “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the WILL OF MY FATHER [WHO IS] IN HEAVEN” Matt7:21; Matt12:50
–If the term ”Father” was just a title applied to Jesus how is it that Jesus thanked the Father? “I THANK YOU FATHER, LORD OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, that You have hidden these things from the wise…” Matt11:25-26, “FATHER, I THANK YOU that You have heard me” Jn11:41. To whom has Jesus prayed so often? See also Matt11:25, 26:39&42,  Mk14:36, Lk10:21, 22:42, 23:34, 23:46, Jn.11:41, 12:28
–Jn14:23 Jesus said to His disciples: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; AND MY FATHER WILL LOVE HIM, AND WE WILL COME TO HIM and make Our home with him”. Note that Jesus, referring to Himself and to His Father, said “WE … OUR…’. Jesus was not the Father.
–Phil.2:6-11: “Jesus being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery TO BE EQUAL WITH GOD, but made Himself of no reputation…..Therefore GOD ALSO HAS HIGHLY EXALTED HIM ….that every tongue should confess that JESUS CHRIST IS LORD, TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER”. Here it is clear again that Jesus is not the Father.
–“He was received up into heaven, and sat down AT THE RIGHT HAND OF GOD”; also Mark16:19,  Acts2:33, 7:55&56,  Rom8:34,  Col3:1,  Heb10:12,  1Pet3:22
And do you know what Jesus is doing there? He “MAKES INTERCESSION FOR US” Rom8:34, a mediator between God the Father and us, since “a mediator does not mediate for one only” Gal3:20, there must be someone to whom He prays on our behalf, and this someone is God the Father. This is why we pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus Christ, because Jesus Christ is the God-man Mediator between God the Father and us 1Tim2:5
–Jn20:17 Jesus said to Mary, ”Do not touch Me for I have not yet ascended TO MY FATHER….MY FATHER AND YOUR FATHER, MY GOD AND YOUR GOD” (then v27 few days later Jesus asks Thomas to touch him); then v21: ”as THE FATHER SENT ME, so send you I” and v21: ”take Holy Spirit”, here we see that Jesus is not the Father and is not the Holy Spirit
–Is9:6 says that Jesus’ name is ”everlasting Father”, this should rather be translated ”Father of eternities” implying that He is Creator and sustainer of all things and one without beginning and end, see also Col1:17, Rev1:8,11,17,18
Heb2:11 says that Jesus calls us His brothers, not sons. We dont call Jesus ”Father”;
–Rom8:17 says we are joint-heirs with Christ, heirs of God
Other verses in which Jesus and the Father are both mentioned: Jn8:16-18,10:17,14:28,31,15:9,16:32; 1Jn1:3,4:15;1Cor15:24-27;Rev5:1-7;Dan7:13-14;Gen1:26-27,11:7;Is48:16;
In 33 verses in the New Testament, Jesus spoke of the Father as having “Sent” him!
You Cannot be sent without a SENDER!  One who SENDS and the one who IS SENT are separate entities: Matt10:40,Mk9:37, Lk4:18,9:48,10:16, Jn4:34,5:24,30,36;6:38,44,57;7:16,28,33; 8:16,18,26,29,42; 9:4, 11:42, 12:44,49; 13:20, 14:24, 15:21, 16:5, 17:18,21,23,25; 20:21

Sabellius is the first one to propose this theory of ”Jesus only” in the third century (Oneness Pentecostals revived it some 80 years ago). Few years later Arius took his doctrine further to say that Jesus was created (Jehovah Witnesses revived this doctrine 150 years ago), both teachings were condemned at the church council in Nicea in 325A.D.

–…”And I will ask the Father, and he will give you ANOTHER COUNSELOR to be with you forever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him” Jn14:15-17. ‘Another’ means ‘not the same’. The world can’t receive the Holy Spirit, but they can receive Jesus Jn1:12 and if they do, then the Holy Spirit comes automatically inside them Acts10:44,11:15; Rom8:9, 1Cor3:16, 6:19.
–Jn16:7-15: “if I go not away, the COMFORTER WILL NOT COME unto you….I WILL SEND HIM unto you….HE WILL REPROVE the world of sin…. I GO TO MY FATHER…HE, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH….HE WILL GUIDE YOU into all truth: for HE SHALL NOT SPEAK OF HIMSELF; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and HE will shew you things to come. HE SHALL GLORIFY ME…”
–“And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come” Matt12:32. As you can see, those who speak against the Son of man can be forgiven, while those who speak against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven. Therefore, Jesus can’t be the Holy Spirit
–The sin against the Holy Spirit is to reject the testimony of the Holy Spirit about Jesus being the only way of salvation

Oneness Pentecostals (also Brahnamites, stating that Jesus was a human only) deny the existence of the Son of God prior to the incarnation as Son (so they deny the Trinity). They say: “Jesus pre-existed the Incarnation, not as the eternal Son but as the eternal Spirit of God and at the same time Father”. According to them, Jesus could not exist as Son because ‘the Son had a beginning, namely, at the Incarnation’ and thus ‘the term Son always has reference to the Incarnation, to the humanity in which God dwelt and revealed Himself’
However, the Scripture teaches that the Son of God, before the incarnation, existed as a Person separate from God the Father:
–John said: “We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” Jn1:14. Isaiah saw Jesus: Jn12:41
–Jesus said: “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was I AM” Jn8:58
–Jn6:62 “What then if you should see the Son of Man ascend WHERE HE WAS BEFORE?”
–Jn6:38 “For I HAVE COME DOWN from heaven, not to do My own will, but THE WILL OF HIM WHO SENT ME”
–Jn17:5 “And now, O FATHER, GLORIFY ME together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You BEFORE THE WORLD WAS”
–Phil2:5-7; Jesus Christ, as Son existed even before His arrival into this world; He was with the Father, He was in the form of God, that is to say, He was equal with God. Therefore, He pre-existed as a Person, for the Scripture says that He was sent by the Father, He was given by the Father, and Jesus Himself clearly said that He came down from heaven.
–Jn1.1-3,14 John says that the WORD WAS WITH GOD, and then that the WORD WAS GOD; however, when John says that the Word was God he does not mean that the Word was God the Father.
Notice also the following thing: John says that all things were made through the Word, that is to say, through the Son; “All things were created through Him and for Him” Col1:16; God “made the worlds” (Heb1:2) through His Son. Since God created the heavens and the earth through His Son, this means that the Son of God was in heaven with the Father before the world was made.
–See our detailed study, ”JESUS IS THE ANGEL OF THE LORD”, who in the Old Testament has appeared to men and was called God and has accepted worship.

False doctrine about the Godhead has affected the teaching about salvation, for, since according to them the Holy Spirit is Christ in Spirit rather than in flesh, ‘to receive Christ is to receive the Holy Spirit’, thus they see the baptism with the Holy Spirit as a replacement of receiving Christ. In other words, for them if a believer is not baptized with the Holy Spirit by their laying of hands followed by speaking in tongues and even baptized with water in the name of Jesus only, he is not saved yet, also if they accept the laying of hands then they have received Jesus also.
They deny the Biblical Jesus Gal1:6, 1Cor11:4. We should reject this heresy.
P Daniel



1. Christ is directly *called God*, or some term indicating deity, in many texts: Is7:14;Ps110:1;Jer23:5-6;Matt1:23;Jn5:18;8:58;10:30;14:9; Acts 16:31-34; Rom.9:5; 2Cor.4:4; Phil2:5-8; Col1:15a; Heb3:4 understood in context; 2Pet1:1;2:20, Jn1:1,18,20:28, Acts20:28, Col2:9, Tit2:13, Heb1:8,13, 1Jn5:20
2. God is creator – Jesus is *creator* Ps102:24-28; Heb1:8a,10-12
3. IAHWEH pierced – Jesus *pierced* Zech12:10: Rev1:7
4. Ps68:17-18; Eph. 4:7-8 God *ascended on high* and gave gifts to men – Jesus did
5. God only is the *rock* Deut32:4, Ps18:46, 1Sam2:2 – Jesus is the rock 1Cor10:1-4
6. Is6:1,3:Jn12:41-42 *Isaiah saw the glory of God* – the glory of Jesus
7. Joel3:1-2:Matt25:31-32 God will gather nations to *judge* – Jesus will
8. Is44:6; Rev22:13 also Is41:4 and 48:12 God is the *first and the last, Alpha and Omega* – Jesus is (also Rev1:8,17)
9. Christ *accepted worship* yet taught only God should be worshiped Matt4:10, Matt14:33; Jn9:35-38; Jn20:28; Ex34:14; Isa42:8
10. The Old Testament *’Angel of the LORD’* was God and was Christ. Christ assumed that no man had ever seen God the Father (Jn1:18;6:46). Yet there are many Old Testament theophanies, appearances of God (Gen16:13;18:1;31:13;32:30; Ex3:6; Judg2:1;6:14-16;13:22). The Angel of the LORD received worship and was called ‘Lord’; also Jesus is called Lord in Acts18:9;23:11.The angel of the Lord was Jesus,who is God
11. Christ as *Lord of the Sabbath* – authority over the Sabbath is a claim to having the authority of God Himself; Matt12:8; Lk6:5; Mark2:28

*Christ performs the works of God:*
12. God created all things ”alone” in Is44:24; ”let’s create” in Gen1:26 – Christ is *creator* of all things Jn1:3, Col1:16;Heb.1:8a,10
13. Christ *preserver* of all things Col1:17, Heb1:3
14. Christ *author of life* John 1:4, John 5:26; Jn11:25;14:6; Acts3:15; 1Cor15:22
15. Christ is *judge of all the earth* – God is the judge in Gen18:25 and Ps9:7-8, but all judgment is given to the Son. Matt25:31-32; Jn5:22; Acts17:31; 2Thess1:7-8
16. Christ *forgives sin* Luke5:20-24;7:44-49;Matt9:1-6; Mark2:5

*Christ possesses the attributes of God:*
17. Christ is both *eternal and self-existent* Micah5:2; Jn1:1;8:58; Rev22:13; Is9:6; Jn5:26
18. Christ is *omnipresent* Mat18:20+28:20; Jn14:23; Eph1:23; Heb13:5
19. Christ is *omniscient* Jn2:24;16:30;21:17;Matt12:25; Mark2:8;9:34; Lk5:22; 6:8; 7:39ff.; 9:47; 11:17; Jn1:47,48; 4:17-19
20. Christ is *omnipotent* Matt28:18;Jn17:2;Eph1:21;Phil3:21;Col2:10; Heb1:3
21. God is the *only Savior* Is43:11, Jude1:12, Luke1:47, Tit2:10 – Jesus is the only Savior Acts4:12, Tit1:4, 2Pet1:1, 2Pet3:18, Jn4:42, Heb5:9
22. God is the *Word* – Jesus is the Word Jn1:1
23. God is our *redeemer* Is63:16 – Jesus is our redeemer Tit2:13-14
24. God is *one* (‘echad’=united or together) Deut6:4 – *Jesus and the Father are one* Jn10:30, Jn14:9
25. God is the *Holy One* Ps89:18 – Jesus is the Holy One Acts2:27,3:13
26. God and Jesus are *”I AM”* – Ex3:14, Jn8:58
27. God is called *our righteousness* – Jesus also is: Jer23:1-6;33:15-16; 1Cor1:30
28. God *will not give His glory to another* – God shares His glory with Jesus because Jesus is God: Is42:8, Jn17:5
29. Is40:3:Luke1:76, Mal3:1 John the Baptist was announcing in Jesus Christ the *coming of God*
30. Christ is *immutable (unchangeable)* Heb1:8a,12b; Heb13:8
31. The *resurrection* proved the deity of Jesus – Rom1:4, Jn10:18
32. *Call upon the name of the Lord* (IHWH) to be saved Joel2:32 – Acts2:21 and Rom10:13 call upon the name of Jesus
33. The Lord is my shepherd Ps23:1 – Jesus is our *shepherd* Jn10:11, Heb13:20, 1Pet2:25
34. God *created all for himself* Pr16:4, Is43:7 – Jesus created all for himself Col1:16
35. The Lord of hosts will be *a stone of stumbling* Is8:13-15 – Jesus is the stone of stumbling 1Pet2:7-8, Rom9:32-33
36. Stephen *prayed to Jesus* ”Lord Jesus, receive my spirit” Acts7:59, also Paul prayed to Jesus 2Cor12:8,9
37. God will *come with all the saints* Zach14:5 – Jesus will 1Thes3:13
38. *Every knee shall bow* before God Is45:22,23 – before Jesus Phil2:10
39. God *gives pastors* Jer3.15 – Jesus gives pastors Eph4.11 (both give peace, Holy Spirit, eternal life, forgiveness, joy, resurrection, keeping etc)
40. To God the *power and the glory* 1Cr29:11 – to Jesus be the glory, power and dominion 2Tim4:18, 2Pet3:17-18, Rev1:5,6
41. *Our sin is against God only* Ps51:4 – sin is against Christ 1Cor8:12
42. God *brings to light the secret things* Ecl12:14 – Jesus will 1Cor4:4
43. God is the *fountain of living water* Jer2:13 – Jesus is Jn4:10-14
44. God *searches the heart* Jer17:10 – Jesus does Rev2:23
45. God is *light to gentiles* Is60:1-3 – Jesus is Luke 2:30, Acts13:47
46. God sold for *30 coins of silver* Zech11:12-13 – Jesus was
47. Believers are *in God’s hand and in Jesus’ hand* John10:28-29
48. *The human spirit returns to God* Ecl12:7 – to Jesus Acts 7:59
49. Acts16:31-34 *believing in Jesus*=*believing in God*
50. God is the *owner of all things* 1Cr29:11 – Jesus owns all Jn17:10
51. Rev20:6 *priests of God and of Christ* – priests serve God not man
52. God *walks on water* Job9:8 – Jesus did Mat14:25
53. God is the *lawgiver* Deut6 – Jesus also: Mat5:22,28,34,39; Jn13:34
54. *”First Born”* – Certain cults misuse the terms “first-born” (Rom8:29 Col1:15,18; Heb1:6; Rev1:5) and “only begotten” (Jn1:14,18; 3:16,18; 1Jn4:9) to teach that Christ was the first of created beings.

The word “first-born” is not referring to birth (except in Matt1:25 and Luke2:7 ”first born of Mary’). It usually means “supreme, chief, honored one.” The Hebrew word for first-born is used in Job18:13, “the first-born of death,” meaning the “deadliest of diseases” and Is14:30, “the first-born of the poor” meaning the very poorest. In Hebrew thinking “first-born” gives the idea of supremacy in matters of inheritance and rank. In the LXX (Septuagint translation) *’prototokos’*, which is the same word used of Christ in the New Testament, it emphasizes position with little or nothing to do with origin. Israel is the “first-born” of the nations even though it was not the first nation in terms of time or origin. The term means Israel is supreme over the other nations (Ex4:22; Jer31:9;38:9). Deut21:16 speaks of the theoretical possibility of making a son who is born second in time to be-come the “first-born” in terms of rank. Also, Ps89:27 teaches that God will make David (and his offspring) His first-born, it refers to David’s supreme rank and has nothing to do with time of birth or origin. Christ is the first-born in terms of rank and position. However, the idea of His being the first created being is excluded by the idea of His being the creator of all things. Col1:15 teaches that Christ is supreme over all creation, it is not teaching He had an origin in time. Likewise, the description of “only-begotten” should not be taken to teach that Christ had an origin in time. This term (monogenees) does not refer to birth or origin. Just as with “first-born” the term came to refer to an exalted position. In Heb11:17 Isaac is called Abraham’s only begotten son. However, Abraham also fathered Ishmael (Gen16:16) and at least six other sons (Gen25:1-2). Therefore, Isaac was an “only-begotten” not in the sense of the only one born but in the sense of unique position and priority. Christ is the only begotten of the Father not in the sense that He has a birth or an origin in time. He is rather the Father’s special son. There is even some question as to whether monogenees should be derived from mono (only) and gennao (to be born), instead of mono (only) and gen (the second aorist stem of ginomai “to be”). Notice there are two n’s in gennao but only one n in both the stem gen and the word monogenees. The resulting translation would be “the “unique,” “the only son of His kind”. John wanted us to know that Christ is the Son of God in a unique sense different than the meaning intended when calling a believer a son of God (Jn1:12; 1Jn5:1). Paul’s way of making the same distinction is to liken believers to adopted sons (Rom8:15; Gal4:5-6)
-In Pr8:22 *wisdom is said to be the first possession* of God in terms of rank, not ‘first creation’ in terms of time and origin, or else was there a time when God had no wisdom?? Verse is indeed speaking about Christ, but it has ”wisdom” as first application and ”Christ” as secondary application
-In Acts13:33 Paul explains that Ps2:7 “You are My Son, today I have begotten You” does not speak about Jesus’ creation or birth from Mary, *but about His resurrection* from the dead.
Pastor Daniel



The Bible is all about JESUS. He is presented in each of the 66 books as well as in countless types in the lives of different characters in the Bible.

*01.In Genesis:* JESUS is The Seed of the Woman
-Messiah would be born of the seed of a woman Gen3:15, Lk1:34-35
-would be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob Gen12:3,17:19, 28:14, Lk3:23-34
-would be a king in the line of Judah Gen49:10, Jn1:49
-Typified in the person of Melchizedek Gen14:18
-The life of Isaac – the sacrificed son Gen22
-The life of Joseph – the rejected brother Gen37

*02.In Exodus:* JESUS is the The Passover Lamb
-Typified in the life of Moses the deliverer
-The Passover Lamb Ex12, Jn1:29,36
-The Manna from Heaven Ex16, Jn6
-The Rock struck at Horeb Ex17, 1Cor10:4
-The Tabernacle He is the Brazen Altar, Lampstand, Table of Showbread, Ark of the covenant etc Gen25-30

*03.Leviticus:* JESUS is The High Priest
-Typified in the sacrifices and offerings Lev 1-7
-In the Jewish festivals Passover, Atonement, Lev16,23
-In the scapegoat Lev16:7-9
-In the person and duties of the High Priest Lev16

*04.Numbers:* The Cloud and The Fire
-Messiah would be a King Num24:17
-Typified in the bronze serpent Num21:8-9
-The Water from the Rock Num20

*05.Deuteronomy:* Prophet Like Moses
-Messiah would be a prophet Deut18:15-19, Jn6:14
-would be worshiped by angels Deut32:43, Lk2:13-14
-Typified in the cities of refuge Deut4:41

*06.Joshua:* The Captain of Our Salvation
-Typified in the person of Joshua our leader
-In the Promised Land
-Commander of the Army Josh5:13-15

*07.Judges:* The Judge And Lawgiver
-Typified in the Judges for He is true Judge of the living and the dead

*08.Ruth:* The Kinsman Redeemer
-Messiah would be a descendant of Boaz and Ruth Ruth4:12-17
-Typified in the life of Boaz –
The Kinsman Redeemer Ruth2:1

*09.1&2Samuel:* The Prophet of The Lord
-Messiah exalted by God with power 1Sam2:10, Matt28:18
-would be a descendant of David 2Sam7:12-16, Matt1:1
-would be the ‘Rock’ 2Sam23:2-3, 1Cor10:4
-Typified in the life of David
-The King in Exile 1Sam22
-The life of Jonathan the faithful friend 1Sam18:1-4

*10.1&2 Kings:* The Reigning King
-Typified in the life of Solomon the Millennial Reign
-In the life and miracles of the prophet Elisha multiplying bread 2Kings 4:42, healing leper 2Kings5

*11.1 &2Chronicles:* Messiah would be from the tribe of Judah 1Chron5:2, Lk3:23-32
-Typified in Solomon’s temple
-In the Wisdom of Solomon 2Chron9:22

*12.Ezra:* The Faithful Scribe
-Typified in person of Zerubbabel, the rebuilder of the temple Ezra4

*13.Nehemiah:* Rebuilder of the Walls
-Typified in the person of Nehemiah, the rebuilder of the walls of salvation

*14.Esther:* Mordecai
-Typified in the person of Mordecai

*15.Job:* The Dayspring From on High
-Typified in the sufferings of Job and the blessings that would follow

*16.Psalms:* The Lord Who Is Our Shepherd
Messiah would be:
– the Son of God Ps2:7, 12, Matt17:5
– would be resurrected Ps16:8-10, Acts13:30-37
-despised & crucified Ps 22:6-8,14, Lk23:21-23, Matt27:35
-be hated without cause Ps69:4, Lk23:13-22
-Lord, seated at the right hand of God Ps110:1,5, 1Pet3:21-22
-in the line of Melchizedek Ps110:4, Heb6:17-20
-the ‘stone’ rejected by the Jews Ps118:22, Matt21:42-43
-Key Messianic Psalms: 2,8,16,22, 45,69,89,109,110,118

*17.Proverbs&Ecclesiastes:* The Wisdom of God
-Messiah would be from everlasting Prov8:22-23, Jn17:5
-Messiah would be the Son of God Prov30:4, Matt3:16-17
-Typified in the Wisdom of God Pr8:22-31

*18.Song of Solomon:* The Lover & Bridegroom
-Typified in the Bridegroom’s love for, and marriage to, the bride

*19.Isaiah:* The Suffering Servant
Messiah would be:
-born of a virgin Is7:14, Ln1:34-35
-Emmanuel “God with us” Is7:14, Matt1:21-23
-God and Man Is9:6, Jn.10:30
-would have the 7-fold Spirit upon Him Is11:1-2, Matt 3:16-17, Rev.4:5
-would heal the blind, lame, deaf Is35:5-6, Mark10:51-52
-proceeded by a forerunner Is40:3, Lk1:17
-a light to the gentiles Is42:6, Jn8:12
-despised by the Jewish nation Is49:7, Jn10:20, Matt27:23
-whipped and beaten Is 50:6, Matt26:67, 27:26
-would die as an offering for sin Is53:10,Jn18:11
-resurrected and live forever Is53:10, Mark16:16

*20.Jeremiah & Lamentations:*
The Weeping Prophet
-would be God Jer23:6, Jn13:13
-would be a righteous Branch Jer23:5
-would be our righteousness Jer23:6, 1Cor1:30

The Son of Man
-would be a descendant of David Ez34:23-24, Matt1:1

*22.Daniel:* The Son of Man coming in the clouds of Heaven
-would be ‘a son of man’ given an everlasting kingdom Dan7:13-14, Luke 1:31-34
-would come 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem Dan9:25, Jn12:12-23
-would be killed Dan9:26, Matt27:35
-Revealed as the ‘stone’ and His kingdom that smashes the kingdoms of the world Dan 2:34,44
-Typified in the 4th man in the fiery furnace – one like ‘the son of gods’ Dan3:25

*23.Hosea:* The Bridegroom
-Typified in Hosea’s faithfulness to his adulterous wife Hos3

*24.Joel:* The Baptizer With The Holy Spirit
-Messiah will offer salvation to all mankind Joel2:32, Rom10:12-13
-would baptize people with the Holy Spirit Joel2:28-32

*25.Amos:* The Burden Bearer
God would darken the day at noon during Messiah’s death Amos8:9, Matt27:45-46

*26.Obadiah:* The Mighty Savior

*27.Jonah:* The Forgiving God
-Typified in Jonah being 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a fish Jonah1:17, Matt12:40

*28.Micah:* The Messenger With Beautiful Feet
-Messiah would be born in Bethlehem Mic5:2, Matt2:1-2
-would be from everlasting Mic5:2, Rev:1-8

*29.Nahum:* The Avenger of God’s Elect

*30.Habakkuk:* The Great Evangelist, Crying For Revival
-Messiah would come from Teman at His return, full of glory Hab3:3
-Typified in the life of Habakkuk his intercession and prayer for his people

*31.Zephaniah:* The Restorer of the Remnant

*32.Haggai:* The Cleansing Fountain
-Messiah would visit the 2nd temple Hag2:6-9, Lk2:27-32

*33.Zechariah:* The Pierced Son
-Messiah would be Priest and King Zech6:12-13, Heb8:1
-would be ride into Jerusalem on a donkey Zech9:9, Matt21:6-9
-would be God Zech11:12-13, Jn12:45
-would be pierced Zech12:10, Jn19:34-37

*34.Malachi:* The Son of Righteousness
-Messiah would appear at the temple Mal3:1, Mark11:15-16
-Messiah’s forerunner would come in the spirit of Elijah Mat4:5, Matt3:1-2


*35.In Matthew:* The Messiah
-The Son of David Matt1:1
-The King of the Jews Matt2:2
-The Son of God Matt2:15
-The Bridegroom Matt9:15

*36.Mark:* The Miracle Worker
-The Holy One of God Mark1:24
-The Servant Mark10:45
-The King of Israel Mark15:32

*37.Luke:* The Son of Man
-The Horn of Salvation Lk1:69
-The Consolation of Israel: Lk2:25

*38.John:* The Son of God
-The Only Begotten Son: Jn1:14,18
-The Lamb of God Jn1:29,36
-The Bread of life Jn6:35
-The Light of the World Jn8:1
-The I AM! Jn8:58
-The Door of the Sheep: Jn10:7,9
-The Good Shepherd Jn10:11
-The Resurrection and life Jn11:25
-The Way, the Truth, the Life Jn14:6
-The True Vine Jn15:1

*39.Acts:* The Ascended Lord
-The Prince of Life Acts3:15
-Judge of the living and the dead Acts10:42
-The Just One Acts7:52
-The Hope of Israel Acts28:20

*40.Romans:* The Justifier
-The Rock of Offense Rom9:33
-The Deliverer Rom11:26
-The Lord of the dead and the living Rom14:9
-The Root of Jesse Rom15:12

*41.1&2Corinthians:* The Last Adam 1Cor15:45
-The First-fruits 1Cor15:23

One Who Sets Us Free
-The Lord JESUS Christ Gal1:3

*43.Ephesians:* The Christ of Riches
-The Head over All Things Eph1:22
-The Cornerstone: Eph2:20

*44.Philippians:* The God Who Meets Our Every Need
-The Name above all names Phil2:9

*45.Colossians:* Fullness of The Godhead
-The Image of the Invisible God Col1:15
– Head of the body Col1:18
-The Beginning Col1:18
-The Firstborn from the dead Col1:18
-The Hope of Glory Col1:27

*46.1&2 Thessalonians:* The Soon Coming King
-The Lord of Peace 2Thess3:16

*47.1&2Timothy:* The Only Mediator Between God And Man
-The King of Ages 1Tim1:17
-The Mediator 1Tim2:5

*48.Titus:* The Blessed Hope Titus2:13
-The Great God and Savior Titus2:13

*49.Philemon:* The Friend, Closer Than a Brother
-The Lord JESUS Christ Phil3

*50.Hebrews:* The Blood That Washes Away My Sins
-The Heir of All Things Heb1:2
-The Faithful High Priest Heb2:17
-The Author and Finisher of our Faith Heb12:2

*51.James:* The Great Physician
-The Lord of Glory James2:1
-The Judge at the door James5:9

*52.1&2 Peter:* The Chief Shepherd 1Pet.5:4
-The Living Stone 1Pet2:4

*53.1&2&3 John:* Everlasting Love
-The Eternal Life 1Jn1:2
-The Righteous 1Jn2:1

*54.In Jude:* The God our Savior
-The Only Wise God our Savior Jude25

*55.Revelation:* King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
-The Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last: Rev1:17;22:13
-The Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev5:5
-The Word of God Rev19:13
-The King of kings and Lord of lords Rev19:16
-The Bright Morning Star Rev22:16

We came to 55 points for the 66 books,some books are presented together in one single point. Awesome points to meditate on!!

Pastor Daniel


The Angel of the Lord

Being at the same time PERFECTLY HUMAN and PERFECTLY DIVINE, the Lord Jesus Christ was both like men and also unlike the sons of men. The Scripture is clear regarding His likeness to men (Jn1:14; 1Tim3:16; Heb2:14-17), presenting Him as a man among men and also God, who was tempted by Satan in Mat4 and Luke4, tempted like us yet without sin Heb4:15, who lived, who suffered, and who died as a man. But he is also different from men, not only in the sinless character of His human life, His sacrificial death, His glorious resurrection and ascension, but in the fact of His eternal pre existence.
On the HUMAN SIDE he had a BEGINNING; He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. On the DIVINE SIDE He had NO BEGINNING; He was from all eternity. In Isaiah 9:6, we read: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.” The distinction is obvious between the child which was BORN (human side) and the Son which was GIVEN (divine side, Jn3:16). In like manner, it is stated in Gal4:4, “But when the fulness of the time was come, GOD SENT FORTH HIS SON, made of a woman, made under the law.” He who was the eternal Son was, in the fullness of time, “made [the offspring] of a woman”

The fact of the pre-existence of the Son of God is established by two distinct lines of revelation — (1) as directly stated, and (2) as implied:

The pre-existence of Christ is clearly seen in many verses:

–“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with (‘facing’, ‘pros’ in Greek) God, and the WORD WAS GOD. The same was in the beginning with God” Jn1:1,2

–“But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from EVERLASTING” Micah5:2; Is7:13,14; 9:6,7
–“Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I AM” Jn8:58; to this statement, Jews tried to stone him for blasphemy, understanding that Jesus claimed to be God, using the words of God, ”I AM” (IHWH). He did not say, ‘I was’. Note also, Exod3:14; Isa43:13, Jn10:30-33
–“And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was” Jn17:5. ‘World’ in Greek is ‘kosmos’ which means universe or all creation. Jesus existed before any creation existed, which means He is not creation, or a created angel as some believe.
–Read also: Jn13:3; Phil2:6; Col1:15-19; 1Tim3:16; Heb1:3;13:8

–1. The works of CREATION are ascribed to Christ Jn1:3; Col1:16; Heb1:10 and to God alone, Gen1:1, Is.44:24. He therefore antedates all creation, being God

–2. The ANGEL OF JEHOVAH (or ‘Yahweh’) whose appearance is often recorded in the Old Testament is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. Though He appears at times as an angel or even as a man, He bears the unmistakable marks of Deity, He appeared to Hagar Gen16:7, to Abraham Gen18:1;22:11,12; note Jn8:58, to Jacob Gen48:15,16; note also, Gen31:11-13;32:24-32, to Moses Exod.3:2,14, to Joshua Josh5:13,14, and to Manoah Judg13:19-22.
He defends His own and accepts worship and sacrifices 2Kings19:35; Zech14:1-4; 1Chron21:15,16; Ps34:7. An angel is not allowed to accept worship: Col2:18, Rev19:10, 21:8

–3. The TITLES of the Lord Jesus Christ indicate His eternal Being.
He is:
“The Son of God”
“The Only Begotten Son”
“The First and the Last”
“The Alpha and Omega”
“The Lord”
“Lord of All”
“Lord of Glory”
“The Christ”
“The Mighty God”
“The Father of Eternity”
“God with us”
“Our Great God”
“God Blessed Forever”

These titles relate Him to the Old Testament revelation of Jehovah-God (comp. Matt1:23 with Isa7:14; Matt4:7 with Deut6:16; Mark5:19 with Ps66:16; and Ps110:1 with Matt22:42-45)

The New Testament names of the Son of God are associated with titles of the Father and the Spirit as being equal with them (Matt28:19; Acts2:38; 1Cor1:3; 2Cor13:14; Jn14:1;17:3; Eph5:5; Rev20:6; 22:3), and He is explicitly called God (Rom9:5; Jn1:1; Tit2:13; Heb1:8)

–4. The pre-existence of the Son of God is implied in the fact that He has the ATTRIBUTES OF GOD: Life Jn1:4, Self-existence Jn5:26, Immutability Heb13:8, Truth Jn14:6, Love 1Jn3:16, Holiness Heb7:26, Eternity Col1:17; Heb1:11, Omnipresence Matt28:20, Omniscience 1Cor4:5; Col2:3, and Omnipotence Matt28:18; Rev1:8

–5. The pre-existence of Christ is implied in the fact that He is WORSHIPED as God Jn20:28; Acts7:59; Heb1:6 Since the Lord Jesus Christ is ‘from everlasting to everlasting’, therefore He is God.

–What many fail to understand about Jesus can be explained with AN EXAMPLE: imagine 3 brothers, equal owners of a factory; the three brothers convene that one day one of the brothers goes into the factory as a worker, hiding his true identity; after working diligently for a few years, earning his pay and even getting promoted because of his hard work, suddenly he tells the other co-workers, ”I am the owner of the factory”…but nobody believes him! They had heard him said, ”the great boss is greater than me…” (because in his experience he is a worker at the moment), but also saying ”the great boss and me have the same blood, nature and family name”.

Jesus said in Jn16:12 that He had wished to tell his disciples many other things, but they didnt have a capacity to understand them, but later the Holy Spirit would teach them, things which the apostles have written in the New Testament later. The same way Jesus did not reveal publicly from the beginning to all Jews that He was God.

–Is6:1 says that Isaiah saw the LORD (understood as God), while Jn12:41 explains that Isaiah had seen not God the Father but Jesus in a pre-incarnate apparition, some 600 years before His incarnation, Phil2:5-8. Jn1:18 says, ‘no one has seen God at any time’. ‘No one can see Me and live’ Ex33:20. Also see 1Tim6:16.

–Gen32 says that Jacob fought with a man, which Hosea12:3-4 identifies as both ‘Angel’ and ‘God’.

–In Ex3:2 the Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in the burning bush. Then in v6 the Angel (”messenger” in Hebrew) spoke to Moses and said, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob”

–In Ex23:20-23 God says about the Angel of the Lord, “My name is in Him”, not on his forehead or elsewhere, not ‘with’, but ”inside” literally. The Name of God means nature and presence.

–Does the title, “the Angel of the Lord,” mean that Jesus is a mighty angel like Gabriel or Michael? Answer: Not at all. In fact, we are told that Jesus is “much better than the angels” Heb1:4 because He is the one and only Son of the Father Heb1:1-5. Even though in the book of Job ”the sons of God” refers to the angels, John3:16 calls Jesus only begotten, which means, ‘the only possession’ or the only one of his kind, none is similar to Him: all angels are created while Jesus is not created.
Therefore, the angels worship Him Heb1:6-7. Also, the angels were created at a point in time Ps148:1-6 whereas Jesus has existed eternally Jn1:1-14. In fact, the Bible asserts that Jesus Himself was the one who created the angels Col1:16.
–In Rev10 John sees a “strong angel” coming down out of Heaven. The angel has the title deed of the earth in his hand. He puts one foot on land and the other in the sea and lifts the title deed in the air as a symbol of his claiming all of creation for himself.
I don’t think there is any doubt that this “angel” is Jesus. He is clothed in a cloud, crowned with a rainbow, and has a “face like the sun” — all of which are symbols of deity Rev1:13-17. His feet are like “pillars of fire,” indicating He has come in judgment — and all judgment has been given to Jesus Jn5:22. Most important, He holds open in His hand the title deed of the earth Rev.10:2, a deed which we are told in Rev5:5-7 that only Jesus is worthy to open.
Some object to the identification of this angel as Jesus because He makes an oath by the name of God (Rev.10:6). They ask, “How can God swear by God?” But in Heb6:13 we are told that when God made His promises to Abraham that “He swore by Himself” because “He could swear by no one greater.” We see the same thing in Jer22:5 where God says, “I swear by Myself.”
–Mat28:2 says, ‘(an) angel of the Lord descended and rolled back the stone’. It does not say, ”the angel”, there is not an article before the word angel in the original Greek, even if your bible might wrongly have ”the” instead of ”an”. This verse speaks of an angel, not about the Angel of the Lord (Jesus).
–Jesus, called ”the Angel of the Lord” in the Old Testament, is called ”Son of God” in the New Testament, not in the same sense as Adam is called son of God, being created by God in His image Luke3:38, but as one that was appointed as SON of God, see Rom.1:4, Acts13:33. ”Son” speaks of rank and position here.
By Pastor Daniel



JESUS IS THE PROPHET announced by Moses in Deut.18:18, not Mohammed or any other ‘prophet’
There are three key positions in ancient Israel, that of *PROPHET*, *PRIEST*, AND *KING*.
A prophet would hear from God and speak to the people. A priest would hear from the people and intercede for them to God. A king would, of course, rule.
Jesus fulfills all of these positions. He spoke of His own death and even of future events, like when He spoke of the destruction of Jerusalem Mark13:2, Mat25 and of end times.
He was most certainly a priest, though not of the Levitical (and especially not the Aaronic) priesthood, but the Melchizedek priesthood, Heb7 and 8
He also is the King of Kings (Rev19:16), and heir to David’s throne (2Sam7:12-16, Mark10:47)
So, yes, this is speaking of Jesus.

*To be more precise about how exactly Jesus was a prophet like Moses, note the following similarities:*
1. Both Moses and Jesus were born when Israel was under bondage: Moses in Egypt Ex1:8,10, and Jesus during Israel’s Roman bondage Mt2:1,Lk2:1-2
2. Edicts were issued by the gentile powers of both Pharaoh and Herod for their death at birth Ex2:3, Mt2:15
3. Both were miraculously delivered from death during their infancy from their enemies of Israel Ex2:3, Lk.2:7;Mt 2:14,15 and were preserved in childhood
4. Both had been born and found in unusual places. Moses was found in the water floating in a basket of bulrushes Ex2:3 Jesus in a manger (cave) wrapped in burial cloths Lk.2:7
5. Both Moses and Jesus were protected and preserved by the faith of their parent. Moses was hidden by faith Ex2:2-3 and Heb11:23 Jesus’ life was preserved by his parents obeying the message in a dream Mt2:13-14
6. Both Moses and Jesus stayed safely in Egypt for a time. Moses Ex.2:10 Jesus dwelt safely in Egypt Mt.2:14-15
7. Both had their brethren and family speak against them. Moses had Mariam and Aaron speak against him taking a Cushite wife Numb12:1 Jesus had his family criticize and reject him Mt13:54-57, Jn7:3
8. Both Moses and Jesus were reared in the house that was not their natural parents: Moses in the house of Pharaoh Ex2:10 Jesus by Mary the mother of his humanity and his stepfather Joseph
9. Both predicted Israel’s history Deut28:15-28; Mt.23:34,24:1,2,8,34
10. Both spoke out against Israel’s enemies and persecutors Deut23:3-4; Mt25:41-48
11. Both were considered a snare to Israel Ex10:7; 1Pt2:8; Is8:14
12. Both cleansed leprosy. From Moses’ time no one that was Jewish was cleansed until Jesus came Numb12:10-16, Mk1:40-41. This is a very significant factor that proves Jesus was the prophet Moses spoke of, since no other cured one of the brethren of this disease from Moses’ time.
13. Both were used of God to feed Israel miraculously, Moses with manna in the wilderness Ex16:14-17 Jesus with the five loaves and two fish fed four and five thousand two times. (Mt14:19-21 Jesus also called himself the true manna that came from heaven in Jn.6, comparing himself to the miracle that sustained Israel alive through the desert.
14. Both had the forces of nature obey them (the seas) Ex.14:21-22, Mt.8:26-27
15. Each had seventy helpers Num11:16-17 Jesus Lk.10:1
16. Both fasted 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness to bring a covenant to Israel Ex24:18, 34:28, Deut9:9 Mt4:2
17. Both had a face to face relationship with God unlike any other person Ex33:9-11, Deut34:10; Numb12:7-8; Jesus was with God face to face from eternity Jn1:1,18
18. God spoke audibly and directly from heaven to both Moses and Jesus. Moses Ex20:22, 24:12-16; Mt3:17; Jn12:28
19. Both were God’s spokesman to and for the people: Ex9:35; Numb12:2; Heb1:1-3. They Spoke as oracles of God: Deut18:18; Jn.14:24, 5:24
20. Both Moses and Jesus reflected and shown the glory of God. Moses reflected his glory temporarily Ex34:29-35; 2Cor3:7-14 Jesus at the transfiguration, his face shown brighter than the sun revealing his true nature Mt17:2; Jn.1:14
21. Both were known for their humility and meekness as God’s servants Numb12:3; Mt11:29; Phil2:3-8
22. Both contended with masters of deception and darkness, Moses with Pharaohs magicians Ex7:11, 1Tim3:8, Jesus with the Devil Mt4:1
23. Both prayed for the people intercessory prayers and were willing to bear the consequences of the people’s sins. Moses asked to be blotted out of the book of life for the peoples sake (Ex32:32-33). Jesus asked for them to be kept from falling away (Jn17:9-17). Jesus asked for those to be forgiven while he bore the consequences in their stead Lk.23:34, 2Cor5:19, 1Pt2:21-24, Is53:8
24. Both Moses and Jesus were rejected by their own brethren for a time and accepted by the gentiles Ex2:14-22, 32:1 Jesus was rejected by his own people and received by another who were not his own Is53:3; Mt12:21; Mk6:4; Lk20:9-17, Rom11:20
25. Both Moses and Jesus established a priesthood. Moses began the Aaronic priesthood which was temporary under the law Lev9; Numb8:20-26; Heb9:19-22. Jesus established a eternal priesthood under the new covenant of grace which He alone functions as the high priest forever Heb.7:17,19,23,25-28; 9:12
26. Both sprinkled the blood of the covenant on the altar and the people Ex24:7-8; Lev8:19; Heb9,12:24; 1Pt1:2
27. Both were sent by God to reveal His name, person and law to the people. To Moses God said to tell them I Am sent you Ex.3:13-14; Jesus said God sent him as his exact representative revealing his name (I Am) and nature to the people Jn8:42; 17:6,11-12; Col2:9; Heb1:3
28. Both were involved in giving the covenant to the people Jn1:17 the law came through Moses but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” At the feast of Pentecost Moses gave the law. At the feast (Pentecost) in the new covenant Jesus gave the Holy Spirit (Acts 2)
29. Both brought deliverance to the Jewish people. Those who followed Moses out of the bondage of slavery to Egypt Ex3:7-8,10;12:31-33,42; Jesus brought people out of a greater bondage, slavery to sin Rom3:24-25,6:6-7,8:2-4; Eph1:7;Heb9:26
30. Both had an angel guard their graves. After Moses died Michael the Arch-angel guarded his body. (Jude 9) And when Jesus rose an angel guarded his tomb Matt26:2-6
31. Both re-appeared after they died, Moses see Mt17:3 with Jesus before his death, Jesus see Acts1:3
Pastor Daniel

ISLAM – part2

part 2


* Jesus was a religious leader
* Muhammad was a religious leader and a military leader

* Jesus never killed anyone
* Muhammad killed an estimated 3,000 people, including beheading 700 Jews of the Banu Qurayza tribe in one single day in Medina, A.D.627

* Jesus never owned slaves.
* Muhammad received a fifth of the prisoners taken in battle, including women Sura8:41

* Jesus never married.
* Muhammad had many wives.

* Jesus never forced followers to continue believing. After Jesus made a difficult saying, “many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him. Then Jesus said to the twelve, ‘Will ye also go away?’ Then Simon Peter answered him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life.'” Jn6:31-69
* Muhammad forced followers to continue believing, “Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Hadith al-Bukhari, Vol9, Bk.84, No.57)
* Jesus taught God was our Father Matt6:10
* Muhammad taught it was blasphemy to call Allah your father Sura5:18
* Jesus taught man was made in God’s image Matt22:20, Gen1:26-27
* Muhammad taught Allah has no image Sura42:11, Sura112:4
* Jesus taught “forgive those who trespass against you” Matt6:10-15
* Muhammad taught to avenge trespasses against your honor, family or religion.

* Jesus never tortured anyone.
* Muhammad tortured the chief of a Jewish tribe.

* Jesus did not retaliate when violence was committed against him, saying “Father, forgive them.” Luke23:34
* Muhammad retaliated when violence was committed against him, ordering the death of his enemies. Kitab al-Tabaqat, written by Ibn Sa’d (A.D.745-845), Vol.2, p.168

* Following Jesus was voluntary, from the inside out
* Following Muhammad could be coerced, from the outside in. Sura9:29

* A martyr in Christian and Jewish thought is one who dies for his faith
* A martyr in Islamic thought is one who dies for his faith while killing infidels

* Christianity teaches God wants a personal relationship with each individual
* Islam teaches individuals cannot have a personal relationship with Allah, as he is transcendent and unknowable

* Jesus’ religion is known for forgiveness and love
* Muhammad’s religion is known for obedience and fear
*None of Jesus’ Apostles led armies. A village did not receive Jesus “and when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, ‘Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, even as Elias did?’ But he turned and rebuked them, and said, ‘Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them’ Luke9:52-56
* All of the caliphs who followed Muhammad led armies: Caliphs Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Ali, Muawiyya, the Umayyads, the Abbasids etc.
* In the first 300 years of Christianity, there were 10 major Roman persecutions, and Christians were fed to lions in the Coliseum. Never did Christians lead an armed resistance against those who attacked them

* In the first 300 years of Islam, Muslim armies conquered Arabia, Persia, the Holy Land, North Africa, Spain, Southern France, Central Africa, and invaded vast areas of Asia and Asia Minor

Fighting is inconsistent with Jesus’ example but not Muhammad’s, as the Sirat Rasul Allah records Muhammad personally led 27 raids, including Battle of Badr, 624AD; Battle of Uhud and expulsion of Banu Nadir, 625AD; Attack on Banu Mustaliq, 626AD; Battle of the Trench and killing Banu Qurayza, 627AD; Battle of Khaybar, 628AD; Battle of Mu’tah, 629AD; Conquest of Mecca, Battle of Hunayn, Battle of Auras and Siege of al-Ta’if, where Mohammed used a catapult, 630AD; Battle of Tabouk, Subjugation of Banu Thaqif (Yemen) and subjugation of Ghassanids (Arab Christians), 631AD
*Jesus’ teaching on how to treat enemies:*

* Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you Matt5:44
* Resist not evil Matt5:39
* If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to them the other Matt5:39
* If someone takes your coat, give them your shirt Matt5:40
* If someone make you carry something one mile, carry it two Matt5:41
* Forgive and you shall be forgiven Matt6:14
* Judge not, that ye be not judged Matt7:1
* Blessed are the peacemakers Matt5:9
* Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy Matt5:7
* Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not kill, but I say who ever is angry with his brother is in danger of the judgment Matt5:21-22
* Treat others the same way you want them to treat you Luke6:27-36
* Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, whatever you do to the very least you have done unto me Matt25:40

*Muhammad’s teaching on how to treat enemies:*

* Infidels are your sworn enemies Sura4:101
* Be ruthless to the infidels Sura48:29
* Make war on the infidels who dwell around you Sura9:123,66:9
* Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day Sura9:29
* Strike off the heads of infidels in battle Sura47:4
* If someone stops believing in Allah, kill him al-Bukhari 9:84:57
* Take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends Sura5:51,60:13
* Never be a helper to the disbelievers Sura 28:86
* Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them Sura 2:191
* No Muslim should be killed for killing an infidel al-Bukhari 1:3-111
* The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land Sura5:33

What motivates fundamental Muslims to violence?

Where Jesus was a religious leader, Muhammad was a religious leader and a military leader, thus the effort to separate the militant aspect of Islam from the religious aspect is an attempt to split Muhammad.

*The closer one follows the example of Jesus, the more peaceful is one’s motivation*

*The closer one follows example of Muhammad, the more militant is one’s motivation*
More about Muhammad’s violence:

Many Muslims are becoming Christians in the last few years, read article:

*Jesus is Lord!*

ISLAM – part1

part 1
*Timeline of Muhammad’s Life*

570 A.D. – Born in Mecca
576 – Orphaned upon death of mother
595 – Marries Kadijah – older, wealthy widow
610 – Reports first revelations from angel at age of 40; oncle of wife who called himself a Christian told Muhammad that his visions were from God (in fact were demonic seizures)
619 – Protector uncle dies
622 – Emigrates from Mecca to Medina (the Hijra)
623 – Orders raids on Meccan caravans
624 – Battle of Badr (victory)
624 – Evicts Qaynuqa Jews from Medina
624 – Orders the assassination of Abu Afak
624 – Orders the assassination of Asma bint Marwan
624 – Orders the assassination of Ka’b al-Ashraf
625 – Battle of Uhud (defeat)
625 – Evicts Nadir Jews
627 – Battle of the Trench (victory)
627 – Massacre of the Qurayza Jews (breaking peace treaty)
628 – Signing of the Treaty of Hudaibiya with Mecca
628 – Destruction and subjugation of the Khaybar Jews
629 – Orders first raid into Christian lands at Muta (defeat)
630 – Conquers Mecca by surprise (along with other tribes)
631 – Leads second raid into Christian territory at Tabuk (no battle)
632 – Dies (poisoned by a Jewish woman he had enslaved)
Muhammad claimed to have received visions from God and teachings, which is Koran; here are basic teachings of islam:
–Monotheism (Sura5:73, 112:1-4), calls God ‘Allah’, denies the Trinity (5:73)
–Jesus is not God (5:17,75) Jesus was not the Son of God (9:30), Jesus was not crucified (4:157)
–The Holy Spirit is the angel Gabriel (2:97,16:102)
–Salvation is by sincerity and works (3:135, 7:8-9, 21:47, 49:14, 66:8-9)
–No miracles done by Muhammad or Allah recorded except they claim the Qur’an is a miracle and makes no prophecies (”foretelling the future’).
As the Jews believed in the Old Testament and the Christians put their faith in both the Old and New Testaments, the Muslims believe the Quran is the divine word of God. This book, containing the supposed revelations given to Mohammed, is divided into 114 chapters, or Suras. His followers wrote the Quran shortly after Mohammed’s death.
To the Muslims, the Quran is God’s last word to the world. It states that both the Old and New Testaments are likewise divinely inspired, but have been altered by Christians and Jews (archaeological discoveries of Biblical Manuscripts are denied by Muslims, they say ‘Satan produced them’); they say Quran was kept by Allah, but how come Allah couldn’t keep the Old and the New Testament writings that He had inspired? Surah 6:115 and 18:27 say that nobody can change the Word of Allah (it does not say Quran, but ”Word”). In any place where they conflict, the Bible is wrong and the Quran is correct; the Quran is the final authority (Sura 33:40).
Islam’s basic teaching, called the Islamic creed, consists of six basic beliefs, found throughout the Quran. The favorite creed of Islam is, “There is no God but Allah,” which is recited daily by the faithful Muslim.
Muslims also believe that Allah has revealed himself through Scripture, including the Old Testament, the Gospels (though not believing them to be accurate today), the Quran, and the traditions not contained in the Quran called the Hadith. Of the above sources, only the Quran is totally trusted by Muslims.
Islam also holds a strong belief in the prophets, Mohammed being the greatest since he was sent to the entire world. Jesus is viewed as a prophet sent only to the Jews but according to the Quran Jesus is greater than Muhammad: Jesus was born through the Holy Spirit, Jesus did miracles, Jesus is coming back to settle his kingdom, Jesus was without sin, Jesus is called ”The Word of Allah”, Allah has created the world through his Word.
There is a great emphasis in Islam concerning the Day of Judgment. All men will be judged according to their works. Muslims will enter paradise (though some must first be purged for their sins); non-Muslims will be condemned forever to a pit of fire.
Besides the five basic beliefs, Muslims also have five pillars or observances that follow as part of their faith. They are:
1. The creed or statement of belief: “There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet of Allah.”
2. The ritual prayers performed five times a day facing Mecca.
3. Alms giving, offering 1/40 of their income for the needy.
4. Their observance of Ramadan where they fast during the daylight hours and feast at night (statistics show during Ramadan more food is sold than in any other month of the year)
5. Their pilgrimage to Mecca required of all Muslims before death (you can pay someone to go in your place if you cant go)
There is an unofficial sixth pillar known as jihad, the holy war. This is used to spread Islam. The Koran’s 164 Jihad Verses: K 002:178-179, 190-191, 193-194, 216-218, 244; 003:121-126, 140-143, 146, 152-158, 165-167,169, 172-173, 195; 004:071-072, 074-077, 084, 089-091, 094-095,100-104; 005:033, 035, 082; 008:001, 005, 007, 009-010, 012, 015-017, 039-048,057-060, 065-075; 009:005, 012-014, 016, 019-020, 024-026, 029,036, 038-039, 041, 044, 052, 073, 081, 083,086, 088, 092, 111, 120, 122-123; 016:110; 022:039, 058, 078; 024:053, 055; 025:052; 029:006, 069; 033:015, 018, 020, 023, 025-027, 050; 042:039; 047:004, 020, 035; 048:015-024; 049:015; 059:002, 005-008, 014; 060:009; 061:004, 011, 013; 063:004; 064:014; 066:009; 073:020; 076:008. Many of these verses say, ”kill the Christians and the Jews”. Some Muslims say the jihad was just for Muhammad’s time, but these Quran’s jihad verses are addressing all Muslims. Quran does not guarantee paradise but for those that enter jihad.
Finally, Muslims view God as an absolute deity whose will is law. God is unknowable in the personal sense; thus the goal of Islam is to obey Allah, not to know him.

–muslims are ALLOWED TO LIE for the spread of islam; Muhammad advised his soldiers to lie to a tribe of Jews in order to be able to defeat them later; Qur’an (16:106 , Qur’an3:28 , Qur’an9:3, Qur’an40:28, Qur’an2:225, Qur’an 3:54, 8:30 and 10:21 also from Hadith: Bukhari 52:269, Bukhari 49:857, Bukhari 84:64-65, Muslim 32:6303, Bukhari 50:369, also The Islamic Law, Reliance of the Traveler (p.746 – 8.2) allows to lie in special situations. It is why Obama lies that he is a Christian, when in fact he is a Muslim (search ‘Obama is a Muslim’ on youtube or google). Jesus said Satan is the father of lies Jn8:44.
–muslims say the QURAN WAS UNCHANGED since its writing, archeology has proven that it did change:
–WOMEN’S STATUS is Islam: women prisoner of war can be abused sexually Sura 4:24 (often in front of their husband before he was killed); a wife can be beaten for disobedience by the husband; husband can divorce his wife as he pleases; a woman receive only half rights of inheritance as compared to their brothers; a woman that is sexually abused must produce 4 witnesses in court; see more:
–Muslims believe that Muhammad is THE COMFORTER that Jesus announced to be sent from the Father in John 14/26 and 16/13 but Jesus gives the comforter’s name: the Holy Spirit. Muhammad was in fact prophesied by Jesus indeed: ”many false prophets will come in My Name…” Matt24:5, Luke21:8, Mark13:6
–MUHAMMAD’S SEXUAL LIFE: he asked his adopted son to divorce his wife so that he could ‘marry her’; sex with slaved allowed; he would often go from one wife to another all night, even without washing in between (Bukhari, volume 7, # 142); “Muta Marriage” is a marriage that lasts for a few hours, for the purpose of sex, we would call it prostitution; Sura 33/50 Allah allowed Muhammad to have as many wives as he wanted while his followers could only have four Sura4/3; Muhammad was dressing in women clothes, see Sahih Bukhari 2/911; 44 Islamic books—including some highly respected collections, such as Sunan Bayhaqi, Sunan Bayhaqi and Al Halabi state that Muhammad had homosexual habits; a hadith by Abu Hurreira says Muhammad was sucking the tongues of boys and girls; see more:
In the last 10 years more Muslims have become Christians than in all history combined. Jesus is drawing many to Himself! Let’s continue to pray for Muslims and to witness to them!
Other pages of interest:
Walid Shoebat used to be a member of PLO terrorist organization:
Zakarias Botros is a coptic orthodox priest, ex-Muslim, he turns thousands of Muslims to Jesus (by teaching Muslims who really was Muhammad, using the Quran, the Hadits and other islamic books that most Muslims have never read); now he has a bounty of 60million$ on his head from Al-Qaida:




Sometimes a little knowledge is dangerous.A relevant case is the contention by some that the Holy Spirit cannot be a person because the Greek word (pneuma) is neuter.
Those who study the Greek language discover that there are three main endings to its nouns.Because many clearly feminine objects tend to have the same ending, all the words with that pattern are called feminine.Because many clearly masculine objects seem to have the same ending, all the words with that pattern are called masculine.However, these are general designations and do not at all imply that every item in the one group is a man or that every item in the other group is a woman.The Greek words road and epistle are feminine. They are not ladies! The Greek words fruit and world are masculine.They are not men! The word spirit is indeed neuter.It is simply the Greek word for wind (‘pneuma’, we derive ‘pneumonia’ from it).
Authors commonly used this neuter word for wind to refer to invisible (as wind is invisible) elements or beings.Humans are spirits.Angels are spirits.Demons are unclean or evil spirits.Likewise, God is Spirit (Jn4:24).When the Biblical authors chose to make the word spirit into a proper name, the Holy Spirit, they were not trying to deny personhood any more than when a human is called a spirit.Likely, the term is intended to express His invisible nature and His power (as the wind).

The student of the Holy Spirit should also realize that there are plenty of references to Him that are not neuter but rather masculine.The word Comforter (helper) or Advocate is masculine.Christ said the Holy Spirit would be “another comforter” (Jn14:16,26;15:26;16:7), another of the same kind as the Lord Himself.Just as the Lord Jesus Christ is a person, so must the Holy Spirit be a person.Furthermore, masculine personal pronouns are used of the Holy Spirit in many places (Jn15:26–ekeinos, 16:7–auton, 16:8–ekeinos, 16:13–ekeinos, 16:14–ekeinos; Eph1:14–ekeinos).


Theologians usually define a person as a being with intellect, emotion, and will.The Holy Spirit is portrayed in the Scripture as possessing all of these elements of person-hood.

The Holy Spirit searches the deep truths of God (1Cor2:10,11).According to Rom8:27, He has a mind.
”For to us God revealed them through the Spirit, for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God.For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man, which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God” 1Cor2:10-11
”And He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” Rom8:27

Since the Holy Spirit may be grieved, He must possess emotions.
”And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” Eph4:30

The Holy Spirit decides what gift or gifts to bestow upon each believer.He definitely has a will.
”But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills”1Cor12:11

1.He teaches Jn14:26
2.He speaks Acts13:2;21:11; Gal4:6; 1Tim4:1; Rev2:7,11,17,29
3.He reproves Gen6:3; Jn16:8ff
4.He prays or intercedes Rom8:26
5.He leads Acts16:6;Rom8:14;Gal5:18
6.He testifies Jn15:26; Rom8:16
7.He gives life Jn3:6; Tit3:5
8.He commands and appoints Acts13:1-4;20:28
9.He fellowships 2Cor13:14

1.He may be grieved and resisted Gen6:3; Is63:10; Eph4:30
2.He may be lied to Acts5:3
3.He may be tested Acts5:9
4.He may be insulted Heb10:29
5.He may be blasphemed Matt12:31


”But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back some of the price of the land? While it remained unsold, did it not remain your own? And after it was sold, was it not under your control? Why is it that you have conceived this deed in your heart? You have not lied to men, but to God” Acts5:3-4
”Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” 2Cor3:17
”And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy offspring shall be called the Son of God” Luke1:35
”Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?”1Cor3:16

Every evidence for the Trinity is also a proof for the deity of the Holy Spirit.
The following are some common New Testament Trinitarian formulas: Matt3:16-17; 28:19; Jn14:16-17; 15:26; 16:7-15; Rom8:14-17; 15:30; Gal4:4-6; Eph1:3-14; 4:4-6; 1Cor12:4-6; 2Cor1:21-22; 13:14; Heb9:14; 1Pet1:2.Note that the Holy Spirit is listed first in Eph.4:4-6 and second in Rom15:30

Several times a reference in the Old Testament to God is said to be speaking of the Holy Spirit by a New Testament author. Compare Is6:8-10 with Acts28:25-27; Ps95:7-11 with Heb3:7-11; and Jer31:31-34 with Heb10:15-17

a.Omnipresence Ps139:7-10
b.Eternality Heb9:14
c.Omniscience 1Cor2:10-11
d.Creator Gen1:2; Job33:4; possibly Job26:13 and Ps104:30
e.Life giver Jn3:6; Tit3:5; resurrection in Rom8:11)
f.Author of Scriptures 2Sam23:1-2; 2Pet1:21
g.Blasphemy against the Spirit is more serious than blasphemy against God the Son Matt12:31-32


Matt3:16; Mark1:10; Luke3:22 As a dove, the Holy Spirit should be associated with love, peace, and gentleness

Ezek36:25, 27; Is44:3; Jn7:37-39; Tit3:5 As water, the Holy Spirit brings life, fullness, refreshment, and purity.Scripture sometimes speaks of the Spirit being “poured out”

Matt3:11; Luke3:16; Acts2:3 Fire in the Bible can portray the presence of God (Ex3:1ff.), the power of God (1Kings18:38-39), the protection of God (Ex13:21), and the purging judgment of God (Heb12:29)

Jn3:3-8; Acts2:2ff.; 2Pet1:21; the word moved is used of wind in a boat’s sails in Acts27:15, 17
In the Hebrew (ruach) and the Greek (pneuma), the term for Spirit is the same as the term for wind.As wind, the Spirit is invisible and powerful.Also, God’s breath is linked with creation—the creation of man Gen2:7, the re-creation of the nation Israel Ezek37, the regeneration or new birth Jn3:3-8, and the creation or “breathing out” of the Scriptures 2Tim3:16 and 2Pet1:21

*E. OIL*
The Bible associates oil with the Holy Spirit and uses the word anoint in connection with the Spirit (see 1Sam10:1, 6; 16:13; Is61:1; Luke4:18; Acts10:38; 2Cor1:21,22; 1Jn2:20,27.Oil is related to healing (Luke 10:34; James 5:14), the blessings of God such as joy and comfort Ps23:5; 45:7; 104:15; Joel 1:10; 2:24, inauguration unto a new task Ex29:7; 1Sam10:1, 16:13 and light Ps119:105, i.e., oil lamp.The Holy Spirit heals us spiritually by bringing life. He provides joy and gladness.He gives truth, and He is the source of power for our service for God

Luke1:15; Acts2:13; Eph5:18 The Holy Spirit is contrasted with wine.He provided a different (beneficial) kind of control and true joy

The Holy Spirit is likened unto a seal.In ancient times a seal conveyed thoughts of ownership, approval, and protection.The sealing of the Spirit 2Cor1:22; Eph1:13-14; 4:30 guarantees the eternal security of the believer

Both 2Cor1:22 and Eph1:13-14 mention the Holy Spirit as a pledge in the same sentence that refers to His sealing work 2Cor5:5. The Holy Spirit is said to be the earnest, or pledge, of our full inheritance.The King James word earnest is somewhat archaic.The phrase “down payment” communicates better.The underlying Greek word means “engagement ring” in modern Greek.

See further our study, ”The Filling of the Holy Spirit”

Pastor Daniel



As Bible college students, counselors, church ministers and as we evangelize, people are asking the question: ”there are so many churches, to which one should I go?” Here are a few points to help them, you might also find other points in the Bible.

These first 2 conditions for a group to be called ‘church’ are mandatory (without these two a group is a cult, not church); some groups that deny some of the points 3 to end could be cults even if they agree with the first 2 points; the more points (1 to end) a church does fulfill in doctrine and practice, the better the church is:

*1. the trinity* – in the unity of the Godhead there are three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who are co-existent, co-equal, co-eternal. Matt3:16-17; 28:19; 1Cor12:4-6; 2Cor13:14. Therefore groups that believe that Jesus is not God but an angel, like Jehova’s Witnesses, are cults; Mormons also;

*2. salvation is by grace, not by works* – a gift of God, provided by His grace through faith in Jesus Christ on the basis of His shed blood in a vicarious death. Eph2:8-9; Acts16:31, Rom.3:25, 5:1, 6:23; Heb9:12,10:19; Rev.1:5; Jn3:16,6:47. Through the original sin of man (by Adam and Eve), man has fallen from God and has become corrupt in his whole nature. By himself, man is totally incapable of returning to God. Rom3:10-23,5:12,16-17;Rom7;Jer17:9;Eph2:1-3.Fallen, sinful humanity is eternally lost and without hope apart from salvation in Christ. Jn3:3-7; Acts4:12.Therefore this excludes any group that claims man can be perfect or gain salvation through his own efforts or good works;

*3. the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments* have been given by the verbal plenary inspiration of God and are without error. Ps19:7-13; 119:89,105, 2Tim3:16, 2Pet1:21. Therefore groups that affirm that the Holy Spirit speaks to them directly, without the Bible, are wrong;

*4. Christ has died for the sins of the whole world* 1Jn2:2, Jn3:16, not only for the sins of the believers but only believers in Jesus have eternal life, adoption, heaven as a gift Rom6:23;

*5. All men are invited to receive salvation, not only some:* Jn3:16, 2Pet3:9; this rejects the idea that God chose some for heaven and some for hell, as some groups claim.

*6. There is only one name given to men in whom there is salvation:* Jesus Acts4:12; this excludes groups that place another human to the same level as Jesus;

*7. The church is the Body of Christ,* formed of all believers that have received Jesus as their Savior 1Cor12:13; any group that believe they are the only true church are wrong;

*8. Pastors should be servants not kings* Mat20:25-28; thechurch does not belong to the pastor but to Christ: Mat16:18, 1Tim3:15; pastors should not be women: 1Cor11:3, 14:34, Eph5:24, 1Tim2:11-14, 3:2, Tit1:6; all apostles and their disciples were men, for 1900 years pastors were men, only in the last 100 years the feminist movement touched the church; pastors can’t be apostles, in Mat19/28 and Rev21:14 only 12 apostles will be recognized as apostles; pastors are not prophets in the OT meaning of being mediators between God and people, as Jesus is today our only mediator 1Tim2:5 and every believer has the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of him: Rom8:9, 1Cor3:16 and 6:19; today God leads his people through his Word and his Spirit, pastors are using the Word to lead the flock Eph4:11-12 therefore there is no more ”thus told me the Lord last night that you should do this or that…” Pastors should not charge money for prayer, counseling and other services but be content with their salary 1Tim6:9-11, 1Pet5:2, Tit1:11, 1Tim3:8; pastors should be available to meet with the believers the soonest possible according to needs, not in weeks’ or months’ time as celebrities do; in a big church a pastor should have other assistant pastors helping him in the work;

*9. Church offerings belong to the church not to the pastor:* in the Old Testament the offerings were brought to the priests (levites) – the priests today are all the believers not the pastor only 1Pet2:5,9, Rev1:6. Pastors can receive a salary 1Tim5:18; giving should be secret Mat6:3, of a willing heart not under constraint 2Cor9:7;

*10. Evangelism* – Paul in Acts17:17 was evangelizing daily on the streets of the market place; evangelism ”one-on-one” as every Christian is called to be a witness of Jesus Acts1/8

*11. Discipleship* – Mat28:18-20 ”make disciples and teach them”. Jesus’ command can’t be fulfilled in one hour of preaching/teaching per week on Sundays; the more hours of preaching and especially teaching available, the better; a pastor should be training other pastors, unless he is not trained himself properly or is afraid to train (competition) or if he pockets church money illegally he might not be interested in supporting financially any new church planting projects;

*12. Church planting* – a living organism produces offspring; a living church should be starting other churches;

*13. Church transparency* – leadership of church should let the church know what is done with the money of the church; pastors should be accountable to a group of elders and there should be stated a method of replacing the pastor if he goes wrong, preferably replaced by a committee formed of a group of elders from the pastor’s church and elders from other churches

*14. A believer can’t be demon-possessed* as he is the temple of the Holy Spirit 1Cor3:16, but can be influenced by demons

*15. Tongues are ‘national tongues’ not angels’ languages:* Acts2:8, 1Cor12:30, 1Cor13:1, 1Cor14:1-40, Rev7:9

*16. Gift of miracles* was for a short period of time at the moment of establishing the message of the apostles: Paul would send his handkerchief and apron to touch sick people for healing and to remove spirits in Acts19:12 but later, in 2Cor12:7-10 Paul had a thorn in the flesh – a demon causing him pain – which he could not remove, Paul said to Timothy in 1Tim5:23 to drink grape juice for his stomach sickness, he left his greatest disciple Trophimus sick in Miletus in 2Tim4:20; Epaphroditus, coworker of Paul was sick near death for an extended period of time Phil2:25-30; God does heal today whenever He desires;

*17. Heaven and hell do exist today;* hell is a place of torment prepared initially for Satan and his demons Mat25:41, hell is a place where the soul is conscious as Luke 16:19-31 presents it, this passage about Lazarus is not a parable as Jesus gives the name of the poor man, ‘Lazarus’; Jesus would never use a false doctrine of tormenting hell in a parable if tormenting hell was not real;

*18. After we die only the body sleeps until the resurrection,* the soul is not sleeping but awaits the resurrection of the body, while in heaven or in hell; man is body+soul+spirit 1Thes5:23, 2Cor5:1-9 the body is a tent for the soul; Rev6/9; death of the soul means separation from God 1Tim5:6, Luke9:60.

…and of course the *motivation of a church should be the love of Christ 2Cor5:14, 1Cor13:1-13…*

Pastor Daniel