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Often the Bible describes a person by a name. Every name of God is an indication of His personality. We can learn much about Him by studying His Names:

Elohim occurs approximately 2,570 times in the Old Testament. The corresponding Greek word is Theos. Technically, this is not a name. It rather gives a classification just as we might call a man “pastor” when his actual name is Richard. Elohim is plural in form (cf. seraphim, cherubim). This by itself does not prove the Trinity, but it may be a clue of God’s triune nature. Elohim may emphasize God in His role as Creator (Gen. 1:1; Isa.45:18; Jonah1:9), as God of all the earth rather than of Israel alone (Gen.24:7; Isa.37:16;54:5; Jer.32:27), and as Judge of all the earth (Ps50:6;58:11;75:7). Elohim may also emphasize God as personal Savior (Gen17:8; Ex3:6; Jer23:23).
Elohim seems to picture God as Creator, Sovereign, and Savior of all the earth.

Gen17:1; Ex6:3, it occurs 48 times in the Old Testament (31 times in Job). The Greek equivalent is Pantokrator Rev1:8;19:6. The term means “Almighty.”
”Shaddad” is Hebrew for ”destroyer”. ”Shad” means ”breast”. ”Shadu” is Akkadian for ”mountain”. Any of these suggestions is plausible. The basic meaning of ”Almighty” could be derived from His power to destroy the wicked, His complete sufficiency as a nourisher, or being strong as a mountain. It is best to follow the LXX (Septuagint translation) and give El Shaddai a basic meaning of “Almighty” regardless of its exact derivation. As El Shaddai, God is omnipotent and sufficient to take care of man.
”Now when Abram was 99 years old, the LORD appeared to Abram and said to him, I am God Almighty; walk before Me, and be blameless” Gen17:1
”And I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty (EL SHADDAY), but by My name, LORD (IHWH or YAHVEH/JEHOVAH), I did not make Myself known to them” Ex6:3

Gen.14:18; it means ‘Most High God’. In the Scriptures it is nearly always used by gentiles or in reference to gentiles. Therefore, this title emphasizes God in His rule over all the earth. Melchizedek calls El Elyon “the possessor of heaven and earth” Gen14:19. Daniel teaches that “the MOST HIGH is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whom He wishes” Dan4:17. The evil King of Babylon and the wicked spirit behind him wanted to be as the Most High Is14:14. As El Elyon, God is the owner of all people and all things.
”And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; now he was a priest of God Most High. And he blessed him and said, “Blessed be Abram of God MOST HIGH, possessor of heaven and earth; and blessed be God MOST HIGH, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” Gen14:18-20.

Gen21:33; in English, “Eternal God, Everlasting God.” He is the Being who always existed in the past and will always exist in the future
…”he called on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God” Gen21:33

Is9:6; it occurs in reference to the Messiah. He is ”Mighty God”. This phrase is used of brave fighting men in the vast majority of references. Messiah is courageous and valiant in battle

Yahweh is the most common title for deity. It is used 5,321 times in the Old Testament and is translated by ‘LORD’ except seven times in the King James Version where it is translated Jehovah. The Greek word is kurios. While Elohim (God) describes Him, God’s real name is YHWH. Out of reverence, the ancient Jews would not pronounce God’s name. Consequently, the vowel sounds have been lost. By tradition the vowels of Adonai have been inserted between the consonants YHWH to form YaHoWai. Germans pronounce J as Y as in ”Johann Sebastian Bach”. They also pronounce W’s as V. Thus, a German would tend to spell the above hybrid with a J and give the W a V sound (JaHoVeh). English speaking peoples should have pronounced the J as Y (e.g., hallelujah), but we added a corrupt J sound to the already corrupted V sound of German. Thus, the combination of YHWH with the vowels of Adonai passed through German with the W sound as V and Y written as J, and through English with the J pronounced as J. The resulting “mutant” from Hebrew, German and English is “Jehovah.” Hebrew does not even have a J in it! In reality we do not know for certain how to pronounce God’s name. Yahweh is a good guess as the ”Yah” sound is prominent in names and words (e.g., Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jehosaphat, Johnathan, Hallelujah, etc.)

Conservative theologians do not agree on the derivation of God’s name. Maybe there is none. Some argue for a derivation from an archaic form of the Hebrew word to be (HWH) which in the Qal imperfect or Hiphil imperfect would become YHWH. There is some plausibility to this. When Moses spoke God’s name, He replies, “I AM WHO I AM” Ex3:14-15. Also, Christ claims deity by asserting, “I AM” (see Jn8:58; also Rev1:8). It is possible that God’s name (YHWH) speaks of His self-existence or His being the source for the existence of everything else.

By observing its usage, some contend YHWH refers to the God of covenants. He is a God who enters into special relationships with specific people instead of being just the God of the universe as a whole. If the above derivation is correct, the name YHWH also speaks of a self-existent being. No one caused His existence. He is not dependent upon anybody or anything for sustenance.

There are several secondary names derived from YHWH:

*a.Yahweh-Sabaoth* 1Sam17:45; Ps24:10; James5:4. Yahweh-Sabaoth in English means “LORD of Hosts” or “LORD of Armies.” The Greek is Kurios Sabaoth. It is interesting that God is never called “LORD of Hosts” in the Law of Moses, yet, this title is extremely popular with the prophets. It is used approximately 285 times including 62 times in Isaiah, 77 in Jeremiah, 53 in Zechariah, and 24 in Malachi. The title “LORD of Hosts” teaches that God is a warrior and captain of both angelic and human forces. In His war with the evil one, He will not suffer loss.
”Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted” 1Sam17:45
”Who is the King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory” Ps24:10

*b. Yahweh-Yireh* Gen22:13-14 in English is Jehovah-Jireh. It means, “the LORD will provide.” He is the caretaker for and sustainer of His people.
”And Abraham called the name of that place The LORD Will Provide”…Gen22:14a.

*c. Yahweh-Rapha* Ex15:26 in English means “Jehovah-Rapha” meaning “the LORD that heals.” He is the source for both spiritual and physical healing.
”For I, the LORD, am your healer” Ex15:26

*d. Yahweh-Nissi* Ex17:15 in English is Jehovah-Nissi and means “the LORD is my banner.” This name has a similar idea to “LORD of Hosts.” The LORD protects, defends, and fights for His people.
”And Moses built an altar, and named it The LORD is My Banner” Ex17:15

*e.Yahweh-Shalom* Judg6:24 in English is Jehovah-Shalom and means “the LORD is our peace.” The LORD sends peace into our lives. In salvation He gives peace with Himself Rom5:1. In growth He gives His peace in our hearts Phil4:7
”Then Gideon built an altar there to the LORD and named it The LORD is Peace” Judg6:24

*f.Yahweh-Rohi* Ps23:1 is Jehovah-Rohi in English and means “The LORD is my shepherd.” The LORD is our guide, our protector, and our provider.
”The LORD is my shepherd”…Ps23:l

*g.Yawheh-Tsidkenu* Jer23:6 is Jeho-vah-Tsidkenu in English and means “the LORD Our Righteousness.” God the Son is our righteousness when we trust in Him 2Cor5:21
”…and this is His name by which He will be called, “The LORD our righteousness” Jer23:6

In the Old Testament the word LORD translates (YHWH). The word Lord (lower case ord) translates Adonai. Adonai is technically not a name. It is a form of address and means “Master.” The word can be used of either human masters or the divine Master. It is used approximately three hundred times of God and teaches us that God is our absolute authority in life.

The greatest privilege for humans is to be able to call God *”FATHER”* if we receive Jesus as Savior believing (accepting, receiving) that Jesus paid for our sins on the cross Jn3.16:
-Jn1:12,13 “But as many as received him (Jesus), to them gave he power to become the SONS of God, even to them that believe on his name, which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God”
-Rom8:15 “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of ADOPTION, whereby we cry, ABBA, FATHER.” In fact ”Abba” means ”daddy”, word for ”father” in Greek is ”pater”
-Gal4:5 “To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the ADOPTION OF SONS”.
-Eph1:5 “Having predestinated us unto the ADOPTION of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will”
-Mat6:9 “After this manner therefore pray ye: Our FATHER which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name…”
-1Jn3:1,2 “Behold, what manner of love the FATHER hath bestowed upon us…“
Earthly fathers would be offended if their children would call them by his name, instead of ”daddy” or ”father”.

Pastor Daniel



part 2 of 2:
More documentation to verify these Mormon beliefs can be found here:

* The Book of Mormon and the Doctrine & Covenants, both written by Joseph Smith, are the primary “scriptures” of the Mormons. They do pay “lip service” to the Bible as they do include the King James version of the Bible as part of their Scriptures, HOWEVER, they don’t consider it to be “correctly translated” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p10). So when the Bible disagrees with the Book of Mormon, etc, the Bible is cast aside
* Joseph Smith (the “founder” of Mormonism) boasted that he did more than Jesus. “…I have more to boast of than ever any man had. I am the only man that has ever been able to keep a whole church together since the days of Adam. A large majority of the whole have stood by me. Neither Paul, John, Peter, nor Jesus ever did it. I boast that no man ever did such a work as I. The followers of Jesus ran away from Him; but the Latter-day Saints never ran away from me yet…” (History of the Church,Vol6, p408-409)
* Brigham Young (the second “prophet” of the Mormon church) said you can’t get to the highest heaven without Joseph Smith’s consent. “…no man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith.” (Journal of Discourses, Vol7, p289)
Again, as you can see, Mormonism is focused on a man (Joseph Smith) and his teachings and works…. not on Jesus Christ! It is a cult!!!
* Mormon leaders demand TOTAL OBEDIENCE regardless whether they are right or wrong.
“When our leaders speak, the thinking has been done. When they propose a plan it is God’s plan.” (Improvement Era, June 1945, p354)
“But if you are told by your leader to do a thing, do it. None of your business whether it is right or wrong.” (Journal of Discourses, vol6, p32)

The Bible warns us in 1Jn4:l: “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” In Acts17:11 the berean believers, called ”noble” or God-fearing, were verifying in the Scriptures what Paul was preaching

* To the Mormon, the ULTIMATE TEST that Mormonism is true is an “INNER FEELING:” Doctrine and Cov9:8 says: ” . . .study it out in your mind; then you must ask me [the Lord] if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall FEEL that it is right.”
The Bible says: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2Tim.2:15)

* The majority of the activity in the Mormon Temples is work done in behalf of the DEAD. Joseph Smith offers this explanation: “The greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our DEAD.” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p356) But the Bible indicates:
“None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him.” Ps49:7

Mormons today believe God the Father is married and past leaders have taught both God the Father and Jesus Christ are polygamists. Apostle Orson Pratt makes these unbelievable statements:
“. . .the great Messiah who was the founder of the Christian religion, was a Polygamist,. . . the Messiah chose to take upon himself his seed; and by marrying many honorable wives himself, show to all future generations that he approbated the plurality of Wives under the Christian dispensation,. . .God the Father had a plurality of wives,. . . the Son followed the example of his Father,. . . both God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ inherit their wives in eternity as well as in time;. . .” The Seer, p.172;
Joseph Smith made false prophecies that Jesus will come on the clouds before he would reach 86 years old (History of the Church, vol.2, p. 182 also vol.5, p336)
Mormons are taught to “shake hands” with a messenger to determine if he is from God or if he is the devil: “When a messenger comes saying he has a message from God, offer him your hand and request him to shake hands with you. If he be an angel he will do so, and you will feel his hand. . . . If it were the devil as an angel of light, you will not feel anything; you may therefore detect him.” (Doctrine and Covenants 129:4,5,8)

Rather than trusting in “feelings” the Bible commands us to: “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” (1Thess.5:21)

Other websites of interest:

Pastor Daniel


part 1 of 2:

–there are about 15 million Mormons in the world;
–Mormon youth are encouraged to do 2 years of mission work.

QUESTION: is the Mormon religion a CULT?

There are many Christian denominations, but here is why Mormons are NOT true Christians:

1. They believe God was once a man. Thus they deny the Trinity (they believe in an infinite number of gods, each one owning his own universe).
“God himself, the Father of us all, is a glorified, exalted immortal resurrected man!” (Bruce McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, pp322-23,517,643)
“…God himself was once as we are now and is an exalted man and sits enthroned in yonder heavens…” (Journal of Discourses, V6,P3,1844)
“As man is, God once was: as God is, man may become.” (Lorenzo Snow, quoted in Milton R. Hunter, the Gospel Through the Ages, pp105-106)

2. They deny the deity of Jesus; they say Jesus is man who ”evolved” to the status of God and he will marry a woman and have children.
In the Book of Revelation chapter 19 it speaks about the Bride of the Lamb, which is not a woman literally but the church (Rev21:2,9)

3. Mormons believe that one’s SALVATION is based on good works as baptism, good deeds, missionary work, and following Mormon teachings. In The Articles of Faith, by James Talmage, justification by faith in Jesus Christ is called a “pernicious doctrine” twice and he states that it has been “an influence for evil.” (pp. 107, 480) Bruce McConkie once stated at Brigham Young University that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is “improper and perilous” (Church News, March 20, 1982, p. 5)
“…for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, AFTER all we can do” (2 Nephi 25:23, pg100). After all we can do??? Is salvation ”doing” or is salvation ”believing” and ”receiving”??

Other facts and mormon beliefs:
*They believe killing can’t be forgiven (D&C18:42) but Moses, David and Paul have killed.
*Mormon Church members sing of hymns portraying Joseph Smith as a martyr who died for his faith. He was actually imprisoned for destroying a newspaper printing press as retaliation for the negative press articles about him. Mormons are also not aware that he had a gun and killed two people shortly before he was shot to death. He also made the Masonic symbol for distress as a last-ditch effort to save his life. Certainly he was not the “lamb to the slaughter” that the Mormons like to describe his death as.
* They believe hell is NOT eternal in duration
* They believe that once a person has died they still have the opportunity to repent, be baptized, to be saved and exalted
* They believe Mary did NOT conceive by the Holy Spirit, but rather “conceived” when God the Father came down and “joined” with her and “sired” Jesus in the same way that mortal men sire mortal sons
* They believe polygamy is NOT sinful if commanded by the LORD, and faithful Mormon men “may” become polygamists in heaven
* In 1835, Joseph Smith purchased a scroll of papyri containing Egyptian hieroglyphics from a traveling showman named Michael Chandler. He then proceeded to examine the scroll, claiming that it contained writings of Abraham, and translated it into what is now known as the BOOK OF ABRAHAM
In 1966, several fragments of the original scroll that Smith used resurfaced. With the discovery of the Rosetta stone, Egyptology had learn to interpret hieroglyphs. Turns out, the scroll was merely a common Egyptian funerary text that had absolutely nothing to do with Abraham. Smith lied that God gave him the ability to translate hieroglyphs
* Joseph Smith, founder of LDS, believed in polygamy; “…if any man espouse a virgin, and desire to espouse another, and the first give her consent, and if he espouse the second, and they are virgins, and have vowed to no other man, then he is justified; he cannot commit adultery…And if he have ten virgins given unto him by this law, he cannot commit adultery.” (Doctrines and Covenants,132:61,62) Joseph had at least 26 wives, some say 60


— that they believe your Church is wrong, your Christian creeds are abomination to God, and you pastor or Priest is a hireling of Satan (Joseph Smith2:19)
— that there is salvation only in their church – all others are wrong (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 316, also Mormon Doctrine, p670)
— that those who have been through their temples are wearing secret underwear to protect themselves from “evil”. This “evil” includes non – Mormons like you
— about their secret temple rites at all. If they did, you would spot them as non Christians immediately
— that they think “familiar spirits” are good, and that their Book of Mormon has a “familiar spirit”. Lev19:31 says familiar spirits defile one, and are to be avoided at all costs
— that women receive salvation only through their Mormon husbands, and must remain pregnant throughout all eternity
— that they intend to be gods themselves some day, and are helping to earn their exaltation to godhood by talking to you
— that they intend to have many wives in heaven, carrying on multiple sex relations throughout eternity, until they have enough children to populate their own earth, so they can be “Heavenly Father” over their own planet!
— that you were once a spirit – child of their heavenly father, and one of his numerous wives before you were born on earth
— that the Virgin Mary really wasn’t a virgin at all but had sex relations with their heavenly father to produce the Mormon version of Jesus Christ
— that they believe Jesus had at least three wives and children while he was on this earth.
— that the “heavenly father” they ask you to pray to with them, is really an exalted man that lives on a planet near the star base Kolob, and is not the Heavenly Father of the Bible at all
— that Jesus was really Lucifer’s brother in the spirit world, and it was only due to a “heavenly council” vote that Jesus became our redeemer instead of Satan!! (The Gospel Through The Ages, p15)
— that there are over one hundred divisions in Mormonism. They conveniently “forget” this while criticizing the many denominations within the body of Christ
— that all their so- called scriptures such as the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants, and even their official “Mormon Doctrine” statements contradict each other on MAJOR doctrinal points. The King James Bible is likewise contradicted
— that the reason the Book of Mormon has no maps is because there is not one scrap of archaeological evidence to support it!
— that the state of Utah, which is predominately Mormon, has a higher than the national average of wife-beating, child abuse, and teenage suicide
— that their prophet Joseph Smith was heavily involved in the occult when he founded Mormonism
— that that they encourage visitations from dead relatives from the “spirit world”, a practice forbidden in the Bible (Deut18:10-12)
— that there are many accounts of Joseph Smith’s first vision besides the one they present to you, and all are different
— that their secret temple oaths are based on the Scottish Rite Masons
— that before 1978 they considered the Negro (Black) race inferior, and even one drop of Negro blood prevented a person from entering their priesthood
— that they expect Christ to return to their temple in Missouri, but they haven’t built the temple He’s supposed to return to, because they don’t own the property. (It is owned by the “Temple Lot Mormons” who have plans of their own, and won’t let the Salt Lake City group buy it)
— that they consider the Bible to be untrustworthy and full of errors. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p10)
— that Jesus’ death on the cross only partially saves the believer
— that that according to Anton Lavey’s Satanic Bible, the demon god of the living dead is called “Mormo”. Is it just a coincidence that the Mormons are so concerned with the dead?
— that on their Salt Lake City Temple they prominently display an upside-down star which is a Satanic symbol known as the Goat’s head. Why?
— that they believe the Archangel Michael came down to earth with several of his celestial wives, and became Adam in the garden of Eden
— that that they believe the angel Gabriel came down to earth and became Noah in the days of the flood
— that their Prophet Joseph Smith prophesied falsely many times. For example, he foretold the second coming of Christ for 1891. The Bible teaches that one false prophecy puts the prophet under death sentence (Deut18:20-22)
— that their Prophet Joseph Smith did not die as a martyr as they claim, but was killed during a gun battle in which he himself killed two men and wounded a third
— about the Mountain Meadows Massacre in which they brutally murdered an innocent wagon train of settlers, of over one hundred men, women, and most of the children, traveling through Utah
— that Joseph Smith taught that there were inhabitants on the moon, and Brigham Young taught there were inhabitants on the sun as well!
…see part 2



1: “Sympathy is no substitute for action.” — Dr. David Livingstone, missionary to Africa
2: “Some wish to live within the sound of a chapel bell; I wish to run a mission within a yard of hell.” — C.T. Studd
3: “We talk of the second coming. Half the world has never heard of the first.” — Oswald J. Smith
4: “Would that God would make hell so real to us that we cannot rest, heaven so real that we must have men there.” — J. Hudson Taylor
5: “The great commission is not an option to be considered. It is a command to be obeyed.” — Hudson Taylor
6: “If God calls you to be a missionary, don’t stoop to be a king.” — Jordan Grooms
7: “If you take missions out of the Bible, you have nothing left but the covers.” — Nina Gunter
8: “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.” — C.T. Studd
9: “The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity but its sending capacity.” — Mike Stachura
10: “I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light” — John Keith Falconer
11: “God had only one Son and He made Him a missionary.” — David Livingstone
12: “Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” — William Carey, who is called the father of modern missions
13: “To know the will of God, we need an open Bible and an open map.” — William Carey, pioneer missionary to India
14: “Lost people matter to God, and so they must matter to us.”— Keith Wright
15: “Any church that is not seriously involved in helping fulfill the Great Commission has forfeited its biblical right to exist.” — Oswald J. Smith
16: “Must you go to China? How much nicer it would be to stay here and serve the Lord at home!”
—J. Hudson Taylor’s ex-girlfriend
17: “If I had 1,000 lives, I’d give them all for China.” — J. Hudson Taylor
18: “This generation of Christians is responsible for this gen­eration of souls on the earth!” — Keith Green
19: There are three indispensable requirements for a mis­sionary: 1. Patience 2. Patience 3. Patience. — J. Hudson Taylor
20: “In our lifetime, wouldn’t it be sad if we spent more time washing dishes or swatting flies or mowing the yard or watching television than praying for world missions?” — Dave Davidson
21: “We died before we came here.” — J. James Calvert (Said James to the ship captain dropping him off on Fiji, as he warned; “You will lose your life and the lives of those with you if you go among such savages.”)
22: “The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.” — Carl F. H. Henry
23: “Go, send, or disobey.” — John Piper
24: “All the money needed to send and support an army of self-sacrificing, joy-spreading ambassadors is already in the church.”— John Piper
25: “The command has been to ‘go,’ but we have stayed — in body, gifts, prayer and influence. He has asked us to be witnesses unto the uttermost parts of the earth … but 99% of Christians have kept puttering around in the homeland.” — Robert Savage, Latin American Mission
26: “Tell the students to give up their small ambitions and come eastward to preach the gospel of Christ.” — Francis Xavier, missionary to India, the Philippines, and Japan
27: “To belong to Jesus is to embrace the nations with Him.” — William Carey
28: “I have but one passion: It is He, it is He alone. The world is the field and the field is the world; and henceforth that coun­try shall be my home where I can be most used in winning souls for Christ.” — Count Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf
29: “He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” — Jim Elliot, missionary martyr
30: “People who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as missionaries. They forget that they too are expending their lives … and when the bubble has burst, they will have nothing of eternal significance to show for the years they have wasted.” — Nate Saint, missionary martyr
31: “If the Great Commission is true, our plans are not too big; they are too small.” — Pat Morley
32: “It is the whole business of the whole church to preach the whole gospel to the whole world.” — Charles H. Spurgeon
33: “Had I cared for the comments of people, I should nev­er have been a missionary.” — C.T. Studd
34: “I thought it reasonable that I should seek the work where the work was the most abundant and the workers fewest.” — James Gilmour on why he went to Mongolia
35: “If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. And if they perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell must be filled, at least let it be filled in the teeth of our exertions, and let not one go there unwarned and unprayed for.” — Charles Spurgeon
36: “Young man, sit down: when God pleases to convert the heathen He will do it without your aid or mine.” — said to a young William Carey. He didn’t listen.
37: “I feel now, that Arabia could easily be evangelized within the next thirty years if it were not for the wicked selfishness of Christians.” — Samuel Zwemer
38: “Today Christians spend more money on dog food then missions.” — Leonard Ravenhill
39: “I will open Africa to the gospel or die trying.”— Rowland Bingham
40: “Why wait for a call when you have a command?” — Bob Hughes
41: “The church is both the means and the end of the Great Commission.” — Philip E. Armstrong first director of SEND International
42: “None but women can reach Muslim Women… So we have a solemn duty in this matter that we cannot shift. The blood of souls is on our skirts, and God will demand them at our hands.” — Missionary wife from the Middle East
43: “I declare, now I am dying, I would not have spent my life otherwise for the world.” — David Brainerd
44: “You will never make a missionary of the person who does no good at home. He that will not serve the Lord in the Sunday school at home, will not win children to Christ in China.” — C. H. Spurgeon
45: “There are no closed countries if you do not expect to come back.” — Larry Poston
46: “Where in the Bible is missions ever identified as an op­tional program?” — David Platt
47: “One does not surrender a life in an instant. That which is lifelong can only be surrendered in a lifetime.” — Elisabeth Elliot
48: “David Livingston dreamed of opening Africa to the gos­pel. But you can’t do that; it’s been done. What can you do? The world is changing. So are the men who are changing the world. So must you. Don’t be satisfied with the status quo. You are a recruit for the revolution.” — Philip E. Armstrong
49: “The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in his­tory. ” — Andrew Murray
50: “I’ve heard people say, “I want more of a heart for mis­sions.” I always respond, “Jesus tells you exactly how to get it. Put your money in missions – and in your church and the poor – and your heart will follow.” — Randy Alcorn


(part 2 of 2)

–The SISTERS are another unusual feature of the VaPostori. Since celibacy is highly unpopular in Africa, an obvious question is how this group of women arose within the Masowe community. Dillon-Malone explains that this is another custom that goes back to African Traditional Religion. He says that spirit mediums sometimes required parents to devote their unmarried daughters to their service. These girls were called “wives of Mwari,” who lived in chastity during the time of their service. When he was in Port Elizabeth, Johane Masowe began to organize the Sisters as a group who accompanied him to pray and sing at gatherings as his spiritual “wives,” but who abstained from sexual relations as an expression of their devotion to God. As it became clear that the VaPostori would have to leave South Africa being chased away as illegal immigrants, the Sisters took on an increasingly symbolic value as the presence of God among them. “Johane, like Moses, had been given the privileged mission of leading the people of God to the Promised Land. . . . The ‘wives’ had become the ark of the covenant, the house of God, the guarantee of the saved remnant.” – This doctrine is opposed to Christianity, where the house of God is every believer in Christ, not just some elect special women, 1Cor.3/16, 6/19, 1Tim.3/15 and the guarantee of salvation is Jesus Heb.12/2 and the Holy Spirit Eph.1/13-14, not some women. White garments idea came from the Book of Revelations 19/8, book which Johane enjoyed.

–Masowe followers call their leader, Johane, ‘the word or voice of God’, that is the name of Jesus John1/1; also the ‘spirit of God’. Johane claimed he died and God raised him back from the dead, as a sinless person, to send him with a message for Africa.

–Some Masowe reject the Bible saying it is not the Word of God, some say it contains here and there some truths from God. They don’t accept archaeological proofs that prove the Bible didn’t change. Although we do not have the original documents (if we had them, many would worship them!!), we do have around 5,000 copies of the Greek manuscripts that were made very close to the time of the originals: 76 papyri, 250 uncials, 2,646 minuscules, and 1,997 lectionary manuscripts. This would total 4,969. No other book from antiquity possesses anything like this abundance in manuscripts. We also have writings of the disciples of the Apostles of Jesus (called ”early church fathers”), writings that confirm the Bible the way we have it today. See also the discovery of the Old Testament scrolls at the Dead Sea, which were hid in caves before Jesus was born and are just as the Old Testament we have today, no changes:

–VaPostori claim the Holy Spirit gives them TEACHINGS DIRECTLY; however, the first generation of ‘converts’ were accustomed to the Bible so these leaders claim to have teachings from the Holy Spirit but in fact they give them from memory; new converts receive these teachings from the previous generation; leadership meets at times to establish doctrine, helping out their ‘holy spirit’ in the job of giving teaching (as the ‘Covenant on the Nyota Mountain’ 1936 when they say a light came from heaven, Satan who is an angel of light 2Cor.11/14; many ‘spoke in tongues’, just as voodoo worshipers in Benin and Muslims can do; these are not proofs of Holy Spirit’s work). New leaders get teaching from older leaders then claim the Holy Spirit gave them those teachings, plus invented ‘prophecies’ controlling people’s lives regarding life decisions removing their free will and the possibility of a personal relationship with God; prophecies about future are not more than HOROSCOPE AND WITCHCRAFT, which demons faithfully accomplish with God’s permission to punish those who go to witchcraft (see Deut.13/1-5).
Some wear dreadlocks, in which they believe they carry ‘the transgressions of family members’, in opposition with the Bible’s view that Jesus has carried our transgressions Is.53/5.
These false prophets claim to receive from God new teachings: nobody is allowed to prove them wrong, but usually other leaders oppose them if they are too weird. Or they start their own weird group, as there are variations from one Masowe group to another.

–these ‘Apostols’ sects teach certain things from the Old Testament and some from the New Testament mixed with traditional beliefs; THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIANS, they are not born again and don’t believe in salvation by grace through faith alone in Jesus’ death on the cross Eph.2/8-10, John3/16. They are on the road to hell, even if they speak a lot about God and might have a certain morality and pray a lot. They do not have the Holy Spirit, but spirits of demons. It can happen that a born again Christian is fouled to believe in their religion and to attend their gatherings, just as it happens in many other religions, leading astray Christians that don’t know the Bible, which is inspired by the Holy Spirit 2Pet.1/20-21, Mat.24/24. If you have the Holy Spirit and allow Him to lead you, He will lead you to the Bible. The Bible doesn’t change, the word of men does change.

–Most Masowe believe that MOHAMED was a prophet to Arabs, JESUS a prophet to Jews and JOHANE MASOWE a prophet to Africans. What a confusion! Mohammed killed Christians and Jews and his Coran orders these acts! Is God the source of confusion, giving contradictory messages to different prophets? Islam is from Satan!!

–In Masowe Creed, they believe they should die on a Wednesday and be buried on Friday to meet with Jesus. – See more at:

–Johanne Masowe eChishanu sect believes in violence even against authorities – remember the January 2014 clashes with police and their leader being on the run; they also have weird beliefs and practices: belief that the breaking out of a war in Zimbabwe would leave him and his congregates as the only survivors and then this group would enter into “Canaan” where milk and honey would be flowing. It is also claimed that their leader would not allow his congregates to use cellphones claiming that in their “Canaan” there would be advanced technology where they would only use their palms for communication. Virginity tests would also be carried out by fathers. People kneel in front of these prophets as if they are gods. See more at:

–Child marriages are becoming more prevalent among members of the Apostolic sects. This often involves young girls joining polygamous unions, a research by Plan International, a child-centred community development organization, has revealed.
–Tinotenda Hondo, organization’s gender advisor in Zimbabwe told  that Apostolic sect members from Johane Marange, Johane Masowe,  Johane Masowe WeChishanu and others use certain verses in the Bible to justify marrying more than one child girl.
 “Some of them even go to the extent of claiming to have been told by God in their dreams that certain young girls should become their wives, while others prophecy who they should get married to, ” Hondo explained. Paul’s saying, ”their god is their belly” Phil.3/19, can be adapted for these ‘prophets’ as such: ‘their god is their penis’.
A great read on Masowe, ”The Korsten Basketmakers, book written in 1978:

Pastor Daniel


(part 1 of 2)

Both of the major sects of VaPostori were founded in 1932 in eastern Zimbabwe by
similar ‘prophets’, JOHANE MASOWE (1915-1973) and JOHANE MARANKE (1912-1963).
According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, the Maranke group is the largest African Initiated Church in Zimbabwe, with 910,000 adherents in 1995 and over 1.5 million in 2015.
The Masowe group is smaller, numbering over one million in 2015 and another half a million throughout 9 African countries.

Police records from the white colonial regime of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) indicate that JOHANE MASOWE (whose original name was Shoniwa Masedza Tandi Moyo) first got the attention of the authorities when he was arrested in 1932 for traveling around preaching without proper documents. In the police interrogation, he explained that he began having severe pains in the head that culminated in a dream that he had died. After that he heard voices saying that his name was now John, which he interpreted to mean John the Baptist. This new name carried a mandate to preach to the African people. His commission came from spending forty days in prayer on a hill during which time he did
not sleep and survived only on wild honey. A voice from a burning bush told him his
mission: “Tell the natives to throw away their witchcraft medicines, not to commit
adultery or rape.” He insisted to police, “I really do believe that I have been sent from
heaven to carry out religious work among the natives. I think I am ‘John the Baptist,’ as
the voice told me so. No human being has guided me in my teachings.” After these experiences, his headaches ceased.

Both groups of VaPostori (or ”Apostols”) fit the category of “revitalization movements” which may arise when a culture is under pressure from such things as foreign domination or economic marginalization. In the case of the VaPostori, both factors were present: Africans in Rhodesia were coming increasingly under white domination in the British colony and everyone was suffering economically during the worldwide Great Depression.

Johane Masowe preached in reaction to white domination, promising a better situation for Africans without white influence. While he harkened back to some African traditions, he insisted that other traditions be stopped, thus creating a New Religious Movement containing a mixture of both old and new. Masowe
VaPostori are a curious blend of African Traditional Religion and Christianity with Old
Testament practices being prominent. Masowe taught that Africans should burn the
religious books of the European, as forefathers did not have books. He suggested that the Bible, hymn books and the New Testament should be destroyed, together with all other religious books. Politically he felt that the Europeans used education and the Bible as an instrument of racial oppression, considering that books had to be bought with colonial money and the VaPostori movement was essentially nativistic. It seems that he was illiterate initially (this could be another reason why he rejected the Bible) and later claimed to have received the capacity to read the Bible through a miracle (someone must have taught him to read, so he showed interest in the Bible and quoted portions of it, still affirming that the Holy Spirit gave him directly biblical thoughts). Johane in a speech thanked missionaries for teaching people the Bible, thus laying a foundation for his ministry.

–Masowe felt that God had spoken to him directly and that the God of the Bible was the same as the Shona creator God, Mwari, from the traditional religion. Bible translators used ‘Mwari’ as the word used to translate ‘God’, just as in Muslim countries Bible translators used name ”Allah” for God.
When eventually Masowe accepted the Bible, he still objected to how Europeans used it. This was because white missionaries tended to have a moderate view regarding miracles, while Masowe wanted ‘MIRACLES ON DEMAND’.

–Johane founded the ‘GOSPEL OF GOD’ church. Out of this church came a group called Johane Masowe yeCHISHANU (JMC). The JMC church established itself as a distinct entity in 1942 and made the claim that they do not need the Bible as their leaders received the Word of God “LIVE AND DIRECT.”

–Masowe’s followers came to regard him as MORE THAN A PROPHET. The current website of the Gospel of God Church in NAIROBI (, Kenya contains sophisticated arguments to support the notion that Masowe is indeed equivalent to Christ. These explain that Jesus had a limited ministry to the “lost sheep of Israel” (Matt.15:24) and so could not have fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 19:20 that a Savior would come to rescue those oppressed in Egypt. They believe Johane Masowe, however, was sent to liberate Africans, a Savior just as Jesus.

–One of the differences between the VaPostori (”Apostles’ in Shona) of Masowe and Maranke, is that the followers of Masowe are not permitted to work for anyone OUTSIDE their own group. Thus a Masowe disciple is required to learn a trade by which he or she can contribute to the welfare of the group; any other work is unacceptable. There are however variations within different Masowe groups.
Maranke does not allow members to use medicine or to go to clinics, they have their own healing centers in which they use traditional and occultist ‘healing’ methods, which causes a high mortality rate; in their services occultism is very present: holy water, stones, witchcraft rituals:

–Maranke allows POLYGAMY, Masowe officially does not; Maranke does not allow adherents to go to hospital, education, jobs outside their community;

–In addition, the vast majority of VaPostori do not have CHURCH BUILDINGS, but meet under trees. Mukonyora understands this as part of Masowe doctrine: “Today the name Johane Masowe is associated with communities which pray in open air venues called masowe [wilderness], preach repentance and carry out baptisms in rivers and/or dams called ‘Jordans.’ But some Masowe groups do own buildings for gatherings.
…end of part 1 of 2


part 2 of 2



–In 1215 at the Lateran Council, the Roman Catholic Church adopted transubstantiation as its official view of communion. Transubstantiation means that as a priest consecrates the elements they become the actual body and blood of Christ

–Reasoning that the body and blood of Christ are necessary to salvation, the Catholic Church could terrorize medieval nations by withholding mass from their populations. This practice of “interdiction” often brought fearful and ignorant people to revolt against kings who displeased a pope. The transubstantiation view was also the basis for denying the cup to the laity. They might profane the service by spilling some of the “blood of Christ”

–Protestants rejected the transubstantiation view of communion as HERESY. The biggest objection is that transubstantiation views Christ as being sacrificed again and again contrary to the New Testament which teaches His sacrifice was A COMPLETE SACRIFICE THAT NEVER NEEDS REPETITION, Heb10:10,14

–Another heresy fostered by the transubstantiation view is that of SALVATION THROUGH WORKS. Contrary to the Bible, transubstantiation makes our religious deeds and rituals the basis of salvation (Rom4:5; Eph2:8-9; Tit3:5)

–Those who believe in transubstantiation utterly fail to understand correctly to the phrase “THIS IS MY BODY.” Clearly, the Lord was speaking metaphysically because He was sitting right there in flesh and blood while He spoke these words! Literal interpretation means that words should be taken in the most normal, customary, usual meaning given the laws of language, the customs of the times, and the context. With Christ present in the body, the phrase, “this is my body” should be interpreted the same way as “I am the door,” or “I am the vine,” or “I am the light.” This is “My body” means “this represents My body.”

–True participation in Christ’s broken flesh and shed blood is defined in John6. The Lord in v.35 and 48 claims to be “the bread of life.” In Jn6:55 He teaches that His flesh is food and His blood is drink. It is helpful to remember that the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper had not yet been given at the time of John6. Thus, in the context, eating Christ’s flesh and drinking His blood has nothing to do with communion. Rather it refers to a personal appropriation of the benefits of Christ’s broken body and shed blood as the Lord Himself explains in the context, Jn6:47-48

–It must be noted that the last parts of Jn6:40 and Jn6:54 are clearly parallel and that “believes in Him” is the equivalent of “eats My flesh” and “drinks My blood.” Communion is not the subject of John6. Christ is teaching personal appropriation by faith in His broken body and shed blood.

The Lutheran view rejects the notion that the elements become the actual body and blood of Christ. It maintains that the body and blood of Christ are present in a mystical sense along with the literal bread and cup.
Providing one believes in the finished work of Christ and justification by faith alone (as most conservative Lutherans do), consubstantiation is much less objectionable than transubstantiation. Since Christ is spiritually present inside each believer Rom8:9 and present when two or three gather together in His Name Matt18:20, the same way Lutherans say the Lord may be spiritually present in the communion elements. One can heartily agree with the Lutheran view that the gospel is proclaimed in every communion service. Although the elements themselves do not save, the realities of the broken body and shed blood do save; and even the elements symbolically teach the means of salvation to all who understand the observance (see 1Cor11:26, “proclaim the Lord’s death”)

–Churches in the Reformed, Presbyterian, and Baptist traditions generally adhere to the memorial view of communion. This means that the elements are not the actual or mystical body and blood of the Lord, but rather they are symbols to assist in remembrance. Several phrases reveal that this is one intent of the communion service: “do this IN REMEMBERANCE OF ME” Luke22:19, 1Cor11:24, “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you PROCLAIM the Lord’s death until He comes” 1Cor11:26. I believe this memorial view is biblical

–Having established that the Lord’s Supper should be considered a memorial, it is logical to study the specifics of the memorial. What does God want His people to remember? This can be nicely classified by the three terms used for this ordinance: Eucharist, Communion, and the Lord’s Supper:

The term Eucharist is not just an ecclesiastical term that is the property of specific denominations. It is a form of the Greek word for “THANKSGIVING.” The observance of the Eucharist should cause us to remember with deep gratitude the sacrifice of Christ’s broken body and shed blood. Christ gave His life voluntarily out of sacrificial love (Jn10:18; Matt26:53; Heb12:3), and He deserves eternal thanks. The Eucharist assists us so that we never forget to be mindful of His death and the benefits of His broken body and shed blood

-Communion has a Latin derivation and refers to having something IN COMMON. The Greek word translated as communion in the English New Testament means “FELLOWSHIP.”
-The communion service should remind believers of their fellowship, union, oneness with Christ and with all other believers. By partaking of “ONE BREAD” and sharing of “ONE CUP” in communion, we remember our sharing with and union in Christ’s life and of the union of all believers in the church.
1Cor10:16-17 associates communion with both a union with Christ’s life (specifically the benefits of His shed blood) and union with all other believers in the body of Christ.

The Lord’s Supper reminds us that He is the UNSEEN HOST of the observance. Also, more than the other terms, it points back to the ORIGIN of the ordinance at the time of the Last Supper before the cross. It is the Lord’s Supper because HE IS THE ONE WHO HAS ORIGINATED IT. In observing the Lord’s Supper we should remember that Last Supper, and especially CHRIST’S PROMISE to come again and partake with us in His Kingdom. Although the ritual forces attention to the PAST DEATH ON THE CROSS and to the PRESENT UNION WITH CHRIST and with all other believers, it should also cause us to remember the promise that CHRIST SHALL RETURN. See Matt26:29, 1Cor11:26b

-The Holy Communion is intended of course for CHRISTIANS ONLY, even those that might not be baptized yet, for they are also Christians. Paul says in 1Cor.11:28,31 that each one should analyze himself, NOT ANALIZE OTHERS. Leadership must analyze others that desire to take a position of authority in the church 1Cor3:10, 1Tim5:22 but we don’t analyze those that desire to take the communion, it is between the believer – or one that testifies to be a believer – and God.
-Partaking of the Holy Communion does not remove your sins; faith in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross washes your sins 1Jn1:7-9, Rom3:25

Pastor Daniel


part 1 of 2

There are several practices associated with communion that are Biblical EXAMPLES but not necessarily Biblical commands:

–At least three New Testament verses indicate that the early church had an entire meal, the love feast, before it practiced communion: 1Cor11:20-22; 2Pet2:13; Jude12
While a love feast before communion might not be a requirement, it seems to have been the example of the early church. It can be a good means of bringing the entire church together.

–Although GRAPE JUICE qualifies as “the fruit of the vine” (see Matt26:29; Mark14:25; Lk22:18), it is possible that the New Testament church used REAL ALCOHOLIC WINE for communion. On the other hand, the Lord made wine (Jn2:1) and consumed wine (Lk7:33-39), where ”oinos” in Greek, means ‘wine’ but also ‘grape juice’; equivalent word ”tyirosh” in Hebrew, means ‘grape juice’. I can’t imagine Jesus supporting alcoholism (millions are dying every year because of alcohol, I personally hears some use the excuse ”Jesus made wine out of water!”); we will soon write a sermon on the subject of alcohol and its damage to the brain, even in small quantities.

Deut18:4: “Bring the first fruit also of your corn, of your WINE, and of your oil…” “Wine” here is the Hebrew “tirosh,” meaning freshly pressed juice. Similarly in Is65:8 we read of the “new wine (“tirosh” fresh grape juice), found in the cluster” – you don’t find alcoholic wine in clusters but grape juice (see 2Chron31:4-5; Neh10:37-39;13:5,12)
–Jesus is actually the first of the first fruits, 1Cor15:23, and the true vine, Jn15:1. First fruit of wine is grape juice (new wine), Jesus represents the new wine, which is grape juice, not the intoxicating alcoholic wine. Alcoholic wine is a fermentation or alteration of the grape juice, just as an alteration of Bible doctrine brings destruction, also as the manna kept overnight produced worms
–Ex12 forbade any FERMENTATION to be consumed and even kept in the house during Passover, therefore for sure Jesus used grape juice at the Last Supper, also unleavened bread
–The practice of that time was to mix two, three or four PARTS WATER WITH WINE. The Corinthian church must have used real and undiluted wine because they became drunk 1Cor11:21

–If the example of the early church was to use wine in communion, does this mean the modern church is required to do the same? Not necessarily. Think of the OFFENSE to CHILDREN who would be introduced to alcohol at church; the use of real wine could be a STUMBLING BLOCK to those with a background of ALCOHOL PROBLEMS. Rom. 14:21 can be used for a justification for substituting juice as an alternative “fruit of the vine” which can also symbolize blood. 1Cor.10:31-32 is also pertinent and comes in a context that has dealt with communion.

–The New Testament church practiced communion at least WEEKLY and at times even DAILY (Acts2:42, Acts20:7). Again, this is an example of how communion was celebrated but not necessarily a command that it must be conducted this way today.

–In Matt26:30 Christ closed the Last Supper with a HYMN. This may not have been intended to be an essential part of communion but rather something the Lord preferred to do on that particular occasion as it fits the Jewish custom of closing the Passover meal (singing of the second half of the Hallel, Psalms 115-118). Although singing is not mentioned as mandatory in 1Cor11, it is a nice optional feature that can be used to close communion.

–FEET WASHING is a far more controversial practice; there is great argument as to whether Jesus intended this for only the apostles (or for only that one occasion), or whether He desired foot washing to be an integral part of communion for all believers at all times. Jn13:5-7,12-15
Some denominations practice feet washing along with the communion service, like ”Grace Brethren” and some pentecostal churches. Jesus did it as an example for the disciples, just as when He taught the disciples the prayer ”Our Father”, He meant it as an example of prayer, not as a formula, which later He Himself did not even follow when He prayed in John 17. Foot washing is not mentioned in the other three gospel accounts of the Last Supper nor as a church ordinance in the epistles, especially in primary sections about communion in 1Cor10 and 11

1Cor11:23-32 gives essential practices that are binding upon the church relative to communion practices (See also Matt26:26-29; Mark14:22-25; Lk22:17-20):

–The pattern of communion laid down in 1Cor11:23, mandates that THANKS be given first, before the BREAD and then before the CUP. It is best to follow this pattern of prayer before partaking and the order of the BREAD FIRST and then the cup

–The passage in Corinthians allows freedom in the FREQUENCY of observance (“…AS OFTEN AS…” in 1Cor11:25). The early church held communion WEEKLY (Acts20:7) and probably even DAYLY (Acts2:42,46). This is understandable given the situation of PERSECUTION. Frequent communion would be a means of encouraging the early church faced with harsh threats and onslaughts of her enemies. For the most part the modern church does not suffer similar pressures. Communion should be observed frequently enough TO PREVENT FORGETFULNESS of the Lord’s sacrifice and to provide regular occasions for a REMINDER TO CONFESS our sins. Yet, communion should not be so frequent as to become a trite, meaningless ritual. Since the Bible allows flexibility as to the frequency of communion, the elders of a church should decide what frequency best serves these goals.

–1Cor11:28 (also v31) requires SELF-EXAMINATION before participating in the Lord’s Supper. Verse 27 refers to drinking in an “unworthy manner.” This is an adverb stressing unworthy manner of observance, not so much unworthiness of a person. In the ultimate sense no one is worthy to take communion. Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf was pure grace. Paul, in this context, is mainly concerned that participants in communion “discern or judge the body” correctly, that they observe with the respect and honor due the seriousness of the ordinance.

–The Corinthians were observing in a disrespectful manner to the point of gorging themselves at the “love feast” and even getting drunk. The point in the context is not that one who observed communion with unconfessed sin will drop over dead. The warning of judgment is specifically directed to those who made a mockery of the Lord’s Supper. These are the objects of the warnings about God’s judgment. Still, it is wise that a general examination of all aspects of Christian living take place along with the specific examination of one’s attitude toward the Lord’s Supper during its actual observance.
…end of part 1 of 2…


…part 2 OF 2…
Other facts:
40.Jehovah’s Witnesses teach that eternal life in God’s presence is only for a select few. They claim that only a special group of 144,000 Jehovah’s Witnesses can be born again and live forever with God in heaven; all other Jehovah’s Witnesses stay on earth.
The Bible clearly teaches that all those who put their faith in Jesus Christ will have eternal life in the presence of God. The Bible refers to this group as an innumerable multitude: Rev7:9,15; Jn3:15; 5:24;12:26; Eph2:19; Phil3:20; Col3:1; Heb3:1; 12:22; 2 Pet1:10,11
–The JW’s believe that the Holy Spirit is only “God’s active force.” They deny the scriptural teaching that the Holy Spirit is a Member of the Holy Trinity:

“The Scriptures themselves unite to show that God’s holy spirit is not a person but is God’s active force by which he accomplishes his purpose and executes his will” (Aid to Bible Understanding, pg1543).

Not only do the JW’s deny the DEITY of the Holy Spirit, they even deny that He is a person. So, in this sense, Satan has been exalted ABOVE the Holy Spirit by the JW’s! The reason given by the JW’s for the personality of Satan is that:

“. . . the Bible calls Satan a manslayer, a liar, a father (in a spiritual sense) and a ruler. (Jn8:44,14:30) Only an intelligent person could fit all those descriptions.” See “Awake!”,Dec.8,1973

We agree Satan is a person, but how can any honest person say that and then DENY the personality of the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit ALSO has also attributes that only a PERSON can have. For example:

1.Only a person could SPEAK, which the Holy Spirit does Acts2:11;13:2;Rev2:7

2.Only a person could TEACH and COMFORT Jn16:7,13

3.Only a person could have a MIND Rom8:27

4.Only a person could possess the POWER that the Holy Spirit possesses Rom15:19

5.Only a person could be INSULTED and GRIEVED (Heb.10:29; Eph.4:30).

So the Holy Spirit certainly IS a Person, but more than that, He is GOD, the Third Member of the Holy Trinity.


1.In Acts15:3 Peter accuses Ananias of lying to the Holy Spirit, and then in verse four Peter tells him that he had lied unto GOD

2.The Holy Spirit says in Acts13:2, “Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” GOD is the one who calls men to do His work Rom8:28; Gal1:6; 1Thess2:12;4:7; 2Thess2:13-14

3.Only God could perform all the great wonders that the Holy Spirit performs Ps104:30; Jn14:16, 26;16:8-14; Job33:4; 1Cor6:11; Eph1:13;4:30

4.The Holy Spirit is God because blasphemy against Him shall not be forgiven Mat12:31

5.The Holy Spirit is God because He is ETERNAL Heb9:14

6.The Holy Spirit is God because He is OMNIPRESENT Ps139:7-8

7.The Holy Spirit is God because He has the power to give life Jn3:6;6:63

8.The Scriptures are God’s word, and 2 Peter 1:21 says that the Holy Spirit INSPIRED the Scriptures. Therefore the Holy Spirit is God.

*Questions for JW’s:*
1.If all that was made was made through Logos Jn1:3 and for him Col1:16, Rom11:36, why add word “other/s” in Col1:15-17?

2.Was Jehovah God without wisdom before creating Jesus, called “wisdom” Prov8:22-31?

3.If ‘firstborn’ would mean ‘first created’, then what does ‘firstborn of the dead mean’? Or what does Israel Ex4:22 and Ephraim Jer31:9 being firstborn mean? Could not Paul use firstborn in Messianic sense? Ps89:27 “I will also appoint him my firstborn, the most exalted of the kings of the earth”

4.Why is Christ Jesus calling himself the first and the last? Rev1:17-18

5.Was early Christians’ understanding of Jesus as God, from A.D.30-250, wrong?

6.If Jesus is a lesser god because he is only Might God Is9:6, would that not make Jehovah God also lesser god since his  is also called Might God Is10:20-21?

7.If Only-begotten Jn3:16 means Jesus was Jehovah’s first creation, how then do we explain Isaac Heb11:17 being the only-begotten of Abraham and not Ishmael?

8.Why did God, in Gen1:26, said let us make man in our image (God’s image, not angel+God)?

9.Could you explain how “Jehovah made it rain sulfur from Jehovah” Gen19:24 NWT?

10.Why did Thomas say to Christ Jesus “my Lord and my God?”(Jn20:28;Ps35:23)?

11.Why does historical documents show that the first Christians and Apostolic Fathers prayed and worshiped Christ Jesus as God?

12.Why did Jehovah’s Witnesses properly worshiped Christ Jesus until1954?

13.Ps2 says, ”you are my Son, today I have begotten you”. Does that speak of Jesus’ creation, together with Col1:15? Then why Paul in Acts13:33 says that Ps2 applies to the resurrection of Jesus?

14.Where is the great crowd located in Rev.19:1? Heaven. Therefore all believers go to heaven. (JW’s say only 144,000 believers go to heaven, the rest stay on earth).

15.Why does WatchTower ignore the following verses in saying that we don’t go to heaven? Col1:5; Heb10:34; 1Pet1:4; Rev19:1;Matt.6:20; Jn12:26,14:3; Heb3:1; 2Cor5:1

16.In Rom8:9, the NWT states that “Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his”. Remind the JW that he has admitted that he has not received Christ’s Spirit to dwell in his heart by being born again. In the light of Rom8:8-9, can you reach any other conclusion that you cannot please God v8, and that you do not belong to Christ v9?

17.In 1 Jn5:1 NWT: “Everyone believing that Jesus is the Christ has been born from God”, does the expression “everyone believing” leave any believers out? (No). In Gal4:5-6, the NWT states that Christ came “that we … might receive the adoption as sons. Now because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, and it cries out “Abba, Father”.Ask: Have you been adopted as a son of God, by receiving the Spirit of Christ into your heart, as shown here? (No).

18.Why does the Watchtower [WT] translate “ego eimi” as “I am”, 133 out of 134 New Testament occurrences, except where it proves Christ is God in Jn8:58? Here they translate “ego eimi” as “I have been”. Why? Why does the WT translate the New Testament word for Lord (“Kurios”) as Jehovah, except where it proves Christ is God? For example, “Jesus Christ is Lord” in Phil2:11 and “Jesus is Lord” in 1Cor12:3.

19.Why does the WT change “worship” in Heb1:8 in the 1961 NWT edition, to “do obedience” in the 1971 NWT edition, to deny Christ the worship as God?

20.Why does the WT make up false lying quotes of the Church fathers on page 7 of “Should You Believe In The Trinity” and not source it, when all these men believed that Jesus is God from their other quotes? Have you read any writings of the early Church fathers? They all believed that Jesus Christ is God.

21.Do you give worshipful honor to the Son as God, just as you give honor to the Father as God? (JW: No). Then you are not honoring the Father Jn5:23

22.Whose name were you baptized in? Matt28:19-20

23.Why does the New Testament always lift up Jesus Christ’s name, not Jehovah’s name. (1Cor1:2,10; 5:4-5, 6:11; Col3:17; 2Thess1:12;3:6; 2Tim2:19; Rev2:13; Matt18:20; Acts1:8,3:16, 4:10,12,17-18, 5:28,41,8:16,9:15-16,10:43,16:18,11:26).

24.Why does the WT break the Granville-Sharp rule of the Greek grammar for Tit2:13 and 2Pet1:1, “… of God and our Savior, Jesus Christ”, which show Jesus Christ and God to be one and the same person? Yet they always get the rule right where the Deity of Christ is not an issue (such as in 2Pet1:11, 2:20, 3:2,18; 1Pet1:3,Eph1:3)?

25.In Jn1:1, “The word (Christ) was God”. Why does WT translate Jn1:1 as “a god”, when in Jn1:6, 12,13,18 where “theos” also has no definite Greek article, they translate it as “God” every time? Don’t they want Christ to be God? Are they anti-Christ?

26.Why does the WT insist that Christ is first created, when the meaning of “firstborn” (Gk:prototokos) means “pre-eminent or ruler”? David (Ps.89:27), Ephraim (Gen41:50-52 and Jer31:9), Jacob (Ex4:22), and Solomon (1Chron3:2) were all called “firstborn”, but none of them were born first. Why? Because “firstborn” can mean “chief”, as with Christ, and not first created

27.In Is9:6, Jesus Christ is called the “everlasting Father” meaning “Father of Eternity”. Only God can be the possessor, or Father of Eternity. Doesn’t this make Christ to be God?

28. If we pray to Christ, then doesn’t that make Christ to be God? “All that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.” (see 1Cor1:2). Would you pray to an angel? (JW: No) Hence, Jesus is not Michael. Abraham called upon the name of the Lord Gen.12:8

29. If God and the Lamb have one Throne, one Face and one Name in Rev22:1,3-4, doesn’t that make God and Christ equal?

30. Since the Bible gives 56 attributes to the Son, that are also given exclusively to the Father, isn’t this enough to prove that Christ is God? One who has all these attributes must be God (For example, eternal: Micah :2; coming quickly: Is40:10). 

More questions for JW’s:

More infos:

Do not enter quarrels with JW’s, just present them this message, give your testimony of having received Jesus then leave them alone, just keeping them in prayer, having pity of their present evil deception 1Pet3:15 and 2Tim2:25

Pastor Daniel


–Are Jehovah Witnesses (JW) true Christians?
Answer: no.

–Will JW be with God forever?
Answer: No, they will go to hell, unless they turn to the true biblical Jesus.

Here is why they are not true Christians: JW’s do not believe that Jesus is God, but a created angel; also they don’t believe the Holy Spirit is God but the ”active force of God”. They also do not believe in salvation by grace through faith alone in Jesus.

Here are some wrong statements made by the organization JW and the biblical answers:

1. ”Only the Watch Tower Society can interpret the Bible, individuals can’t really understand it” – Watchtower, Oct.1,1997,p.587 – contradicted by Eph1:17-18

2. ”The New World Translation (JW Bible) is the best translation of the Bible” – it is in fact filled with errors and changes: for example Jn1:1 sates Jesus is ”a god” instead of ”God”

3.”God’s name is Jehovah” – the Bible says one of God’s names is YHVH (the most used, about 6000 times; other names: Adonai, El Shadai, El Elion and others); pronunciation “Jehovah” was instituted by Christian scholars in 12th century as nobody knew the pronunciation anymore for Jews were reading it ”ADONAI” (the Lord) being afraid to pronounce the name YHVH, which in fact means ”I am that I am” Gen3:14; Christians can call God “father” or “daddy” (abba): Rom8:15. My earthly father would be offended if I would call him by his first name, Artur, but JW’s must call God “JHWH” or ‘Jehovah’ if they want, because they are not born again Rom8:9, Jn1:12

4. ”Christ is God’s Son and is inferior to him” – Jesus is God who took on human form Jn1:1, 1Tim3:16; see our detailed study ”Jesus is God”

5. ”Christ was first of God’s creation” – Christ is co-eternal with God and was never created Is9:6, Heb13:8

6. ”Christ died on a stake, not a cross” – Jesus died on a cross Jn20:25 , Mat27:37

7. ”Christ’s human life was paid as a ransom for obedient humans” – Christ’s sacrifice was the ransom for all sinners Matt.9:13, 1Tim1:15, 1Jn2:1

8. ”Christ was raised from the dead as a spirit person” – raised bodily Luke 24:39, Jn2:21, Jn20:27

9. ”Christs’ presence today is in spirit or symbolic, not effectual” – Christ lives in the believer Mat.18:20;28:20, Jn14:23, Col1:27, believer is in Christ Eph2:6

10. ”Kingdom under Christ will rule earth in righteousness and peace” – Christ will rule Millennial Kingdom on earth in righteousness and peace Rev.5:12, 20:6

11. ”Kingdom brings ideal living conditions to earth” – New heavens and earth will bring ideal conditions to God’s people Rev21:1-5 as in the millennial kingdom (1000 years) there will be sin and will end with some rebellion and war

12. ”Earth will never be destroyed or depopulated” – God creates new heavens and earth Matt24:31, 1Thes4:16-17, 2Pet3:10, Rev21:1

13. ”Wicked will be eternally destroyed or annihilated” – wicked will be eternally punished Dan12:1-2, Matt25:46, Mark3:29

14. ”The human souls ceases to exist at death” – spirit of Christian goes to heaven and of unbeliever to hell awaiting final judgment Luke16, Rev.6:9

15. ”Only a little flock of 144.000 will go to heaven and rule with Christ” – all people who confess Christ as Savior will be with Him Rom6:8, 2Tim2:11

16. ”Hope for all dead is resurrection as non-JW will be given a second chance” – resurrection is hope only for believers in Jesus and feared by non-believers Jn5:29, Acts 24:15 as there will be no second chance

17. ”Only the 144,000 are born again as spiritual sons of God” – all who confess Christ as Savior are born again Jn1:12, 3:3-7 , 1Jn3:1,2

18. ”Prayers must be directed only to Jehovah in the name or authority of Christ” – prayers may be directed to God the Father, to Jesus or to the Holy Spirit Matt6:9, Acts7:59, 2Cor12:8-10, Rom8:14

19. ”Satan is the invisible ruler of the world” – Satan rules only over those that allow him 2Cor4:4, Jn17:14-16

20. ”Taking blood into the body through mouth or veins violates God’s law” – Taking human blood into the body through mouth violates God’s law, about through veins the Bible says nothing about it

21. ”Bible’s laws on morals must be obeyed as part of obtaining salvation” – we have all disobeyed God’s laws Rom3:23, 1Jn1:10, salvation is only by grace Eph2:8-10

22. ”No clergy class and special titles, all JW members are ministers” – there are special ministers: pastors, elders, deacons 1Tim3:1, 1Pet5:1, Tit1:5

23. ”Baptism by complete immersion symbolizes dedication” – baptism is symbol of dying with Christ and raising with Christ 1Pet3:21, 1Cor12:13 JW baptism vows includes allegiance to their organization as the only “channel of communication of God with earth”, as the only mediator (thus contradicting 1 Tim2:5)

24. ”Christ is Michael the Archangel” – Christ is God Is7:14; Ps110:1; Jer23:5-6; Matt1:23; Jn1:1,20:28,5:18; 8:58;10:30; 14:9; Acts16:31-34; Rom9:5; 2Cor4:4; Phil2:5-8; Col1:15a; Heb3:4 understood in context; 2 Pet.1:1; 2:20, Jn1:1,18, 20:28, Acts20:28, Col2:9, Tit2:13, Heb1:8,13, 1Jn5:20

25. ”Christ is created” – Christ was never created Acts13:33

26. ”There are 2 classes on believers, ”John” class will inherit heaven” – all believers are equal in Christ in terms of inheriting heaven 1Cor12:13, Gal3:28, Jn17:23

27. ”In terms of salvation, the greatest name is ‘Jehovah’ ” – the greatest name is ‘Jesus Christ’ in terms of salvation Acts4:12, Phil.2:9, Eph1:20-22

28. ”Man does not have a spirit” – man has a spirit 1Thes5:23, Rev6:9, Luke16:19-31

29. ”We are to worship Jehovah only” – we worship Father, Son, Holy Spirit Heb1:6, Mat28:9, Jn20:28, Rev5:13;6:9

30. ”Jesus’ second coming occurred invisibly in 1914 and His kingdom was established in heaven” – Jesus will return physically to earth and all alive will see Him as His kingdom is established on earth Rev1:7

31. JW have made prophecies that the end of the world would happen in:

–1914 ”Zion’s Wt”, 1/15/1892,pg1355, reprint

–1918 ”The Time is at Hand”, 1908,pg101

–1925 ”Millions now Living Will Never Die” pg.89

–1920 “The finished mistery” 1917, pg542

–1940 ”Informant”, May 1940

–1975 ”Wt”, 5/1/1968, pg 273 also Aw, 1/22/1969, pg16 and Aw, 5/22/1969, pg15

32. They accused others of making false prophecies (but they made also such false prophecies):

A. ‘Light’ 1930, pg47, “They have been prophesying particularly since 1918, and everyone knows that their prophecies to date have not come to pass; and  that alone is strong evidence that they are false prophets”. Also see ‘WatchTower’, 10/15/1958, pg613

B. ‘Awake’, 10/8/1968, pg23…”those in times past who predicted an “end of the world”, even announcing a specific date…they were guilty of false prophesying”

C. ‘Paradise Restored’ 1972, pg353,354, ”False prophets will try to hide who they really are”

D. ‘Wt’, 6:15:1974, pg381 “Similarly the “false  prophet” is not a person, but is a system or an organization.  A “prophet” claims to have inspired information for the direction of others”

33. They say they are not false prophets, but they affirm about others that they are false prophets because of false prophecies: ‘Aw’, 3/22/1993, pg3,4,  ”They do not claim that their predictions are direct revelations  from Jehovah and that in this sense they are prophesying in Jehovah’s name.  ……when their words do not come true, they should not be viewed as false prophets…. ” 
When we point to JW’s that they made false prophecies their excuse is that they receive ‘gradual progressive light, small errors in the process of receiving truth’…

34. Jesus is not mediator: in ‘Worldwide Security’ 1986, p10 ‘The Desire for Peace and Security Worldwide’: “Jesus Christ, is not the Mediator between Jehovah God and all mankind. He is the Mediator between his heavenly Father, Jehovah God, and the nation of spiritual Israel, which is limited to only 144,000 members”. This is contradicted by 1Tim2:5

35. The 144.000 in Rev7:4, yet a future event, are men, virgins, Jews; according to JW they are not Jews, some are women, some married and is a past and present event

36. Since Rutherford’s time, the Society has made it clear that angels transmit information to the remnant of Jehovah’s Witnesses, particularly starting under Rutherford:

“These angels first hear the instruction which the Lord issues to his remnant and then these invisible messengers pass such instruction on to the remnant. The facts show that the angels of the Lord with him as his temple have been thus rendering service unto the remnant since 1919” Vindication III,1932,pg250

Many false doctrines were received from angels by Rutherford, like about Christ’s presence in 1914

37. The JW’s deny the existence of hell: “. . . the Bible hell is mankind’s common grave…” (Let God Be True, pg92. Page ninety-eight of this book refers to the doctrine of Hell as a “God defaming doctrine.”)
“The doctrine of a burning hell where the wicked are tortured eternally after death cannot be true . . . .” (Let God Be True,pg99. The Bible teaches there is a hell: Luk16:23; Deu32:22; Mat5:22; 18:9; 25:41 Jas3:6

38. JW’s deny the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ. Instead they teach that Jesus’ body was dissolved into gases. Charles Taze Russell, founder of the organization taught, “The man Jesus is dead, forever dead” (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol5, 1899, p.454). Contradicted by: Luke24:39 — “Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.” See also — Jn2:19-21; Jn20:26-28; 1Cor15:6,14

39. Jehovah’s Witnesses deny that salvation is God’s free gift. Instead they teach that salvation must be earned or merited. To obtain salvation and escape judgment, a person must join and do the works prescribed by the Jehovah’s Witness organization. However, the Bible clearly teaches that salvation cannot be earned or merited — it is God’s free gift: Eph2:8-9; Rom4:1-4; Gal2:16; Tit3:5

…see part 2